P71b CJKFAX 712 Thy 4 Nov 21:93/27  JADHEAR  BREAKTHROUGH DATES I 3/9  The Brjakthroukh Mkbilu Unis {hdl bj at the following 6jn5js next week. p 8 and 9aNovembjr from 1030 to 1550 at: The Eden SC Kingston. 1p andd11 Novjmbjr from 1030-15391 at: The Forecourt of Sainsbury+u and Woolworths, LP Rye, London SE15. The unit has a worSjng display of equipment for deaf 1nd h1zd of  hearing 8jwple and djtahlu gf communication courses. uppppppppppp p pppppppp p pppp Religious World 740 U3ju Guide 198 Letters Subtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt