P7bb CJJFAX 722 Fri 8 Apr 21:09/06 I    W   16 AP$JL Conference for Older Women including workshops and speakers £5 $5 waged m Greater London Association of Disabled Peopld 071 274 7840. 27-28 APRIL European Lobb9ink, training course run by the Directory of Social Chanku -Q071 431 1<17 27m28 APRIL Equality in cction, confirencd in London for voluntary $5 orgbnisations - NCVO 071 713 6161 $5 APRJAUG Tour of FEE ING FINE, play T to help children improve self-image - Pop-up Thratrj 071 275 8376  Contacts on page 729 4/2 News Info Disabled Volunteer