P7b6 CJKFBX 72va Fri 13 May 21:96/26 ]L ]      HIV/AIDS SUPPORT GROUP SEEKS HELPER The Crescent Support Gro4p 8rovi4ju U support and care to people affected bz HIV and AIDS. ") Volunteers can support the Group in a vbriety of different ways including: befriending, domestic support, driving, education work and contributing to awareness raising/fundraising initiatives. All volunteers receive thorough initial training and those working U directly with clients bjnkfiu frwm regular support and supju6ision.  Contacts on page 729 3/6 TV/Rbdio Info Diary News
P7b6 C JFA 726a Fri 13 May 21:18/57 ]] ^]   , . +.! o * 5pjuj5  pj 0j5  GET YOU5 HANDS DIRTY IN SCOTLAND Volunteers can make an active contribution to the Scottish Conseu6ation Project1 (UbP* Trust. Activities include: building drystonj dykes, planting native trees, building paths and restoring traditional buildings. $k SCP Action Breaks normally mast for a week (accommodation and food are provided) and you will bj askud to $5 mbSj a contribution towards the cost of the project - prices start "5 at £28 with some discounts.  Contacts on page 729 4/6 TV/Radio Info 0 Diary G oews