P13f C JFBX 134 Sun 28 May 01:38/06 $|l4|l4|,  -n1n1  (/.%/.)/,  POLITICS  MAJOR TO HOLD0CABINET cORNEA T LKS John Major is to chair a meeting of senior Cabinet colleagues tomorrow to discuss thu crisis in Bo2nia. U Those attendin£ the "stock-taken£ reviewE will include the Defence a h S c t and the Chief-of-Defence staff In an interview with the Mail on u d Mr Maj m k l a h does not want to see British troops wihhdrawn from the war zone. Howemer, hj calls the seizure of UN U troops an "extremely unpleasant development". See 161-164/191-192  Next News Politics Main News Summarie
P13f C KFAY 174 SM hp1:k8/44 G  NEWSROUND FF BE NEWS FROM AROU D TH ORL .. % "Ck1ld I ha6e two pint2 kb lpkku and a molem pljasj?ba 2 22 p pR2 ap 2 That is thu kSnd kf bi:ar5e rjque2t hrard at a Gottinkham bar - belie6j4 to bj the first to offer use of the ammp4td5 intdu&e5 ajn&k +huh a Xu&t& aR A soccer mbd mother and daughter b fRom Tamw-shh are ready tn blog the whistle on foul play after they both qublified as referees. $ere5a Whitehorse and Emma, 15, c1n now office te amateur matches. But Emma ispajming for the bigger gamj3.  Conxacts 176 iP Ynfo 177 Sporl 301 Next News Cwntacts PP Info Rjpts AmL