P19b C JFAX 1:2 Sun 28 May 01:3)/3)   2|3 & (n2n1 j5|j=Dj5 | -/.J/.IOL &j5pjuz5p DISPATCH  Chric West e poots on eu s an diplomatic efforts in Bosnia: Close c ltural and hist tic ties the past, but Mr Yaltpin's patiknc. i wparing th n after the first AA the bozj.a ou t @ ahpn, rj declared that the ia Serds had brought punishment on idem j es bz their contin£ing $5 milieara actio . But h i also eport5  O expre sid deep diuuatj f cth g h th NATO move to aunch air strikes -) without consulting Moscow.  Newsreel Desp sch Main News MainJndex
P19b C FAX 2:2 Sun 28 May 01:54/24 )|l4|l4|,  1/3 n2n1  -/.%/.I/,  DISPATCH Chris West reports on Russian $5 diplombtic efforts in Bosnia: $k a U h ussian Prime Min stet, Mr Chernomyrdin, told reporters his colleagues would meet the leadjr2 f the confliating side in Bo mia. He said they would tr to convince th m t stop th militar act o thus prevjnthng further NATO air strikes. hj high-me6 l delegate n is likely to reflect Pre ident Y ltsin' growing exasperation at the action of Bosnian S tbs. -upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz Home 110 Politics 130 Would 160 Newsreel Dispatch Main News MainJndex
P19b CJJFAX 19% Sun 28 May 01:19/34 )]l4|l4|,  2/3 (n2n1 j5,j5j5/|   DISPATCH  h is t p rt on R ssian diplomatic efforts in Bosnia: Close cultural and historic tier hbve lent Serdia Russian support in p t t M Y lt ti nc is wearing thin after thu first NATO strike. U -hen, hj declared that the Bosnian Set d b o ght pun h nt o thjm3 l6e b th ir c ntin n military action. But he is also reported to have expressed deep dissatisfaction with the NATO move to launch air striker wiuhokt consulting Moscow. U  Newsreel Dispatch Main News MainIndex
P19b C JFAX 1:2 Sun 28 May 01:24/0) ) l4|l4|,  3/3 -n2n2  -/.%/.%/,  DISPATCH  diplomatic fforts in Bosnia: n p ns t r qu t f h lp fr m the West, Mr Yeltsin agr ed to do e6erything in his pow r to st p Serb activity on the understanding there would bj no new NATO attacks. j $hj swift despbtch of his two senior ministers reflects Mr Yeltsin's determination to fulfil U his part of the pledge. use air strikes, he could find himself at odds with the 'est.  Home 110 Politics 130 Would 160 Newsreel Dispatch Main News MainIndex
P19b JKFAX@292 Sun 28 Ka: 02:01/*) ] ^S -n n &j5,j j5/| OI  DESP—SCH Chri ' r p t n s an diplomatie effort3 in bus&ip] a p b p d d Tj In rjspon3e to requests for help from the +est, Mr Yelt3in agreed tg $) do euerXthRng in hiQ power to stop +jed bBtinijy on the zmdjrktandimg there would bj no new NATO attacks.$j 2 4 d2 b Ihj soiftadeupatch of hes two ,j seNjoj@mjNjstejs reflects Mr@ ( Y s d t tKo to fulfi )k YR3 pbri of the pledge. 5 But i N TO onfirm it la s to ,u sse air strikes, he could find himself at odds with the West.  ( Homf 110 Politics 9sp World0 161 New3teil De3patch Main Njwu MainIndex