P3b1 blZ@index 312 General spOrt 320 N-Lgj,bbs P6emTbble D1O2 TabsF5ound-up
P3b1 bll index 302 General sport 320 Ljaguj and non-league tables 354-58 D1/2 Tbbs NrImTaald D1/2 Cbs RouFd-ap
P3b1 all index 302 Ge.ural spk5t 320 Ljaguj and nonZleagujQtablis 354-)8
P3b1 U5WilMibm PQ tgbnRzbtiom Lhh Dog 6es Hayd Rjvw Kemp Rjvw Donc Revw
P3b1 bll indeq 304 Gemjual spN5t 340 jague nd n n l ag t ble 5 8 DcoTabbbs xtemTable D8/ TabsFRound-up
P3b1 U:WilliaJ HI L tgbnizbtion Ltd Footdall 302 General 320 Cricket 340
P3b1 i9+illiam HIL Organization Ltd $ o ll 3 G n al 320 Cric eu 340 Hayd Rjvw Hayd Res Ke/Do Res Ww/Cu Res
P3b1 all indax 302 Gengaal spirt 320 Ljaguj and non-neagu0 tablei 354-58 -Lg Tbbs PrdmTebl i1/2 Tabs Hound-jp
P3b1 bll index 302 General sport 320 D1/2 Tbbs N Im land Scot Cup R3uFinup
P3b1 e5William HILL Organi:btion Ltd ] ESource:William ZILLdOrganizbtionpNtd Tjmjform Hayd Rj6w Kemp  Adv.Going
P3b1 al+ lldam 3pL Ongbnl ation Ltd DOg Bee a d Res Li/Wa Res Rot R-u
P3b1 bll index 302 General sport 320 agu and on-lea u table 354-58 D3/ConTbbd Quinn Scots Cup Round-5p
P3b1 all index 302 General sport 320 League and non-league tables 354-58 D3OBoTbbs Quinn cnts Cup FRound[kp
P3b1 bll index 302 Gene5al sport 320 Jeague and nmn-leak*j table1 354-58 e1/2)Tbbs ohIrjland Scots bzp D9 gynan
P3b1 bll@index 30% General sport 320 Ljaguj and non-league tables 354-58 S s l b o d-