P71b CJJFAX 712 Sun 28 May pp:38/36  READEAR  FEVEGTS 44 2 2 IOT Z 2 12 C Pa6 Chapman, for&dir gf The !4urX 5 Deaf biuexu ls and supporti friends, on 9 June at 2100 at: Freedom Cafe, Wld Crompton Street Leicester Square, Soho, London. 6ua Q*b pbph R h p "Q42pp 2 2d2pp 6j ,R Pl1asd nUtehchSnge of vSnpUa L p  Profeusionbls (16aJunjI and Families (17 June) Open Days from 1009 to 16001av: NDC Technology Information Cjntrj, 40Churah Roa4, j  to anyone invkl6ed with deaf adults and children. Details and map from %5 0121-)*) 51+1 Xvoice and text). %upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz Letters rSubtitlis CmntyJnfo Envirgnmt
P71b C JFBX 722 Sun 28 May 01:08/28  EADHEAR  CHILDREN'S ZOO DAY II 3/12 £ £ £ ££ £ £££ £ £ £ £ k SpjZial Children'u Day on 17 June $5 eroJ 11p0 at: London Zoo, Regent's Park, London. @ Snimals in action, buts and crafts, $5 entertaiNers, puppeteers, guided U tohrs and many other k6ents, all of which will be interpreted. &5 a 1 3 g d- Children under four free, children U 4J18 years £2.)0, adults £6, carers (one per child[ free, but must bj U booked and paid for bz 9 Jznj. Full details and tickkts from zhk Education Department at the above address. %upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz % Rjligiou3 World 740 U3jr Guide 198 Letters rSubtitles CmntyInfo Envir'nmt
P71b CJJFAX 712 Sun 28pMay p0:56O48 WL JADHEAR  )bh 3ADhWORZSHOPS p 2  E5/12 C RAD WorKshops on How To U3e an $) Interpreter mn 24 June in Auhfo5d U $5 and 2uaVuneain 6bmsgbtenQ p U 6ua p RhRb R R d p R ddT b Find o2t what an interpreter is and what interpreters can and cannot ho $5 and why deaf people have a right to an inteupre:irn p  Details and application form, to 2u returned by 12 Rvne, from RAD Kent, Lock Street,pGillingham, Kent.Q 01654-5810555 minicom. 01634-371128: voice. p %ka@@ d @ @ &e 5upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz CgmJ*nRuX Pakk2 720 En6jrmVmj&t  elig oks W l 740 Grid 198 Lj5ters rSubtitli1 Cmnt9Info dnvir'nmt
P71b CJJFAX 712 Sun 28 May 01:44/08 l4 l4| ,l EAD HEAR ^ SCHOOL REUNION Old Trafford and Chjadle Hulme Old Atp.lsL Assobzay, n Rcknion Dina2P Dance on 8 July at Portland Thistle Hotel, Manchester. Sickies ash £25. Formal dress only. R For full details and tickets,0send RAE to: Peter Thomas, 8 Woodbank Make payment out to Old Trafford $u Deaf Old Pupils. "5 Closing date vor applications is 8 %5  $ Community Pages 720 EnvirOnment 730 $ Rjligiou3 World 740 U3ju Guide 198 Letters rSubtitles Cmnt9Info Envir'nmt
P71b CMJFAX 712 Sun 28 May 01:19/28  EADHEAR I DEAF EXHIBITION 1995 IOIWO * R 8/12  Deaf E<hibhThmn fa= 1&4 C4du4Z1l Evjmrng on 7 October at: Mary Cro5s D5 soap , aojeQ@dh 091QE kxpectih  This is organised by the BDA No5th $5 adbUYAd\U for jxPSditor3 (iquipZjmh U manzfacturjrs and suppliers, Si£n Language cour3eu, educatimn, health care, charities etc.) ) N+AC H notary Sj resat , 5 Cedar Close, Newton with Scales, Preston, Lancashire PR403IZ- 1  Community Pages 720 Environment 730 Religious World 740 U3er Guide 198 NjitdrR rSubtjtle5 Cmnt9Info Envir+n*t
P71b CJJFA 722 Sun 28 May 01:37/23  READHER  INTE JT SH WO 9/12  /1R16 Jkj n0t1 MaO aj 20$ T Palace Theatre Cjntue, South nd kn Sea X01702-342564: voice). 2  Snow White n 2 n a 1 3 Th a r o l a l Mal , Hanl y, Stetj-U 'Tr@Pt 0ri 2j 65 )r Wndt Yorkshire Playho st, LiNd (0113-244 5346: minicom)n U / easassins (mu icalI on 6 Joni 2000 at5 Derby Playhou3j, Eagle i t t 5 2  $ Commznity Pages 720 Environment 730 Reli i us World 740 U3j5 kidd 198 Letters rSubtitles Cmnt9Info Inlet'nmt
P71b CJJFBX 722 Sun 28 May 01:27/u1 W] JDH   IN;jkPkjkkD RHO"S (='WLIOLIOL@OLd% )kKK 2ijjUu j pkkU @  p  D BRZ $5 L d n WC2 017 - 36 766 m n m) (ueuda: 13 5ne U p 2 0 %u HOV @NAJONALBQS ' ES ticket ilable from Ca hj j sn 01256-23787 (miiin.m ) the Hover National Bike0Wjik. R2 2  C rme HJon slon h Z re0atat9Km t V For futhjr information aboyt the $) M l i ee h  AfGoyng C0nce)n 2n 1 int 610 Thu 5u 01789 47p277.Q1 June: Family day. %u ppppppppppppppp ppppplpgpop p p740 Rommuiit3 rl0 74 U j3 ruGdi 199 RLjuters rSubtiPlas Cmnt'nnfo Envir'nmt
P71b CJJFBX 712 Sun 28 May 01:3)/17  ADDEA I INTE"PRJTJD SHOWS OO 11/12  W While the Sun Shin s on 8 June t &5 a0181-a88 9291: voice). W Pdntecost gn 9 June 1t 1 15 t: Th Barbi an S l St e n (0171 382 7497: min com . j / Thu Ola R Mjnakkuie kn 13 June 14 1930 at Royal Theatre, Northampton (01604-32533: voice). $5WO 5hj Merry Wives of d r on 16 j a 945 h R a N i n h atre, South Bank, London S 1 9PX 5 0171-6 0 0741: voice. Minicom on this number between 1500 and 1700 on weekdays — please use Announ e ) 