P73b CJJFAX 732 Sun 28 May 01:35/08   1/2    .I/, O,$ T  NORTH SEA IS "AN INDUSTRIaL TOILET" $he North Sea is being used as an $5 "industrial toilet", Greenpeace ha claim . hj environ jntal group has criticised the Go eunmant over claims that toxic chemicals are being dumped in the sea. Greenpeace claims chemicals ar being discharged at a higher rate than in any other North Sea state. h cr tici m f llow a campai n the group to pre6jnt the Brdnt Spar oil rig from being dumped in the North Sea.  Next Page Diary CmntnInfo Religion
P73b GJJFA 732 SM a01:7)/30  R 1/2 - 'n2n2pR|.I ] , OW T CDAIM OVER ANIMAL EXPORT R J CRED Sj $hj Akricu tlre Mjniuteu, +illia zjfuses to clean ur the Nocth Sea. that B5itain could 5vilatjually ban The export lf mive cal6js. d $5 European lav expert Gerald Barling prdvio sl {k ged {h a welfare group3 trying tm get $5 expoets@bbnnjh. @ T 5hll u3e 3omu arkumbgtu p)t bgruaRd bop ojjlthyrd in red cine its veal crales banned in the EJV U 5u aea.RWpdhbv mj 27 out of R X $ 3ead Hear 710  $ Comm*nit9 720 K5e5 G5idi 199 Next Page Nat$rust1 CmntyQnfo "eligion