P164 CJJFAX 16) Fri 3 Nov 23:38/21 $|l4|l4|,  -n1n1 &j5,j5j5/| $/.)/.)/, &j5pjuz5p WORLD  DUSE BACKS CALLS FOR PROBE INTO N-TESTS The Duke of Edinburgh has backed a request for a sbfety inspection at Mururoa Atoll — France's nuclear testing site in the South Pacific. Thu rjqujut was made b= the Nit Zrpland branch of the Worldwide Fund foz Nature Internbtional, of wiich hj is president Prince Philip, who is accompanying the Queen on her tour of New Zealand, 3aud other members of the Ro=1l Family hat hi conc n ab t wh hj h tests were doing ecological damage. Hj sbid hj "very much" supported the request.  ,,,, Next News Would Newsround Fin1nce