P127 CEEFAX 2 107 Fri 07 Feb 21:27/42   <l,,,<,,,<,l||||||   Wjprzjprzjprz J WOMAV DECS IN EW OU SRJA OF E-COLE RjpoJts say the Duchess oU York hac cood po son ng im a fterh out r a l Cat week nd, atcn, jno to la in Aritiots o ten Su# n, waa bt. t ug t h a u But x po;t-moot m xamtnation was a m t to Duc irs. s n O j othj pms on tmo D shvjn aff cred in hon ar a tho vlngteaung fpj n Vi nna Headline 101 I dix 1 port 30 Wjathjt 400 TV 600 Digest 141 Next News W/athjo WSporj aan Minn