P522 CEJFAX 2 502 Sun 16 Fed 21:59/40  QSHOWBIZLATEST  RON N U SP R B Z ON LIT A Boyzonj h!art-throb Roman Beating is set to stu^ the group's army of adoring fans bz leaving, accordung to r po ts. An articl in the Sunday Mirror claims 20 e o b hbv sal w=th record boss Nick Ra mo d who launched Tahj That, about going solo. A BMG record 'sourc ' is quoted as sQhn : RRonan thinks Boyzonj should quit while they'rj at the top." @ @ Boy:one manage/ LouRs Walsh s id: "They h vj another thr6e y ats at th top." L&S 530 Sub Z ro 501 Backchat 506 TV Pick Comp FreCtime Main Menu