P432 : Ie\Ktext 474 Dec22 %3:3uz)n        CLASSIC GAMES OF '93    Bombjrman must clear each screen of monsters before moving on. Easy? Ahh, but you too can bj killed bz your own bomb blasts. Hoist by your own petard. Shankjd by your own gizzard. It mby sound a bit naff, and if you're playing by yourself, then to a degree it is. But the game@makes up for@it with an incredible mzlti-player mode. Providing you are using a multi-tap adaptor, up to four player hrad-to-hrad battles are possible. No monsters, just mano ad mano. Or something. ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Chart Moat 476 Chaps and Tarts 475 SWANS AND SWANEE-WHISTLES p620 More reviews Compzmania Index Bambjr