P419 Teletext 41: Nov 0 00:54:37 */?jpp0ppp up—p0ppp—pp05p      —————————————————————————————  —— Can you identify the phrase?  Press 'RJVEALW for the answer. ———————————————————————————————————————            * SMART ALEC *  ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Send your own Tea Break suggestions to: Tea Br ak, Tel t xt Ltd, PO Box 2:7, London SW6 1XT Events Film Recipe Total Emt
P419 Teletext 42: Nov : 23:*4:12       ————————————————————————————— W —— THE GREAT OXFORD GAME  Which is the correct definition? Presv reveal for the answer: Rca ross a* salacious * b* with jagged jdgjs c) cumbjrsomj Ch rlish aR rough handsome b* ill mannered * c) stupid —————————————— ———————— —————————— 2—— @ YL@ 410 FEND LOVE FOR FREE p690 (ITV) Events Film Recipe Total Int
P419 Teletext 41: Nov20 0s:01:34       —————————————————————————————  —— THE GREAT OXJOTD GAG+  Which is the correct definition? Prius reveal for the answer: aR salacious * b* with jagged jdgjs @ c) ck]Rjrsomj h s a* rough handsome b* ijl mannered X* c) stu jd ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— It's Your Liee! index 410 F ND OVE O R E (ITV) Eve]ts Film Recipe Total Int
P419 Teletext 41: Nov 0 23:07:53 */?epp0ppp up—p0ppp—pp05p      —————————————————————————————  —— THE GREAT OXFORD GAME  ——————————————————————————————————————— Which is the correct definition? Press reveal for the answer: Scabrous a* salaciouv * b* with jagged jdgjs c) cumbjrsomj Churlish a* rough handsome b* ill mannjtid * c) stupid ——————————————————————————————————u/2—— It's Your Life! index 410 FEND LOVE FOR FREE p390 (ITV) Events Film Recipe Total Emt
P419 -eletext 42: Mom z ukz08:31 */jpp0ppp up—p0ppp—pp05p ^     —————— —— ———————— ——————————  1 Can you Udjntify the phtasj?  Press WRJVEAL' for the answer. ———————————————————————————————————————    W LO  pz" p ,pp p " 5  £ ££ k j £ h £ £ O  @j }|||| } ||| j }÷ @  * SMART ALEC *  ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— SUnd your own Tea Break suggjstion2 to: T B k, T t t , PO Box *:7, London SW6 1XT Events Film Recipe T#sal Int