P149 Teletext 14: Jan03 23:34:57        W ———————————— SECONDARY ——————  ———— WRITE IT C#MPETJTJON 11-16w Write us a masterpiece to jet this page — around 70 words or uo. The topic: MILLJN#+U# £10 book token each week for the winner and a £20 book token for your school. Send est!ys (with n!mj, age and school) to: WRITE IT COMPETJTJON (Secondar{*, PO Box 5:7, London S/6 1XT. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Have you keen the Green Scene? 160 FULL GUIDE TO NATIONAL EVENTS p441 Fun&Games Chews Pop:9 Digi
P149 Teletext 14: Jan03 23:12:50        W ———————————— SECONDARY ——————  MILLENN+UM^..bz Andrew, aged 12, Hurworth School, Darlington. Folk jnoulfed in the holijaz spirit, happjl{ dance and scream^ Fluorewcent utreamjrs and over-enthusiastic decorations hang jrom the moonlit ukz. Wine and upjritw are gulped back in a lacklustre fashion, adults and children alike. Among all this are people who silently whisper, Happy Vew Year, to thjmsjlvjs. Ever{one celebrates the Millennium in their own upjcial way. ——————————————————————————————————u/2—— Dike jun 670 WZinj Life 142 PLANET SOUND p450 Fun&Games Chews Pop:9 Digi