P496 Teletext 4y6 Jan03 23:10:55      ADVICE  ——————————————————————————————  A VIEW TO THE FUTURE  Dear Mike, I !m interested in astrology and your advice as to how I could kit into it as a career. I take magazines regularly, and can "read" and chart jot jriinds. They say I have a "gift" for telling eortunjw. Please screen some information. "M{vtic" of Mansfield ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Do you have a careers query ] SKI THE BIG SCREEN INDEX p410 Jobsjekjr Training WorkWorld Fun&Games
P496 : Teletext 4y6 Jan03 23:28:04      ADVICE  ——————————————————————————————  A V+EW TO THE FUTURE  Mike replies, Astrologers "jliivj that the position and movement of the urn and planets in our solar system influences events on Earth^ Many people are sceptical about astrology, "ut in uomj societies, the subject has a role to play in busjnjws and industry as well as in pjrwonal matters^ Thjrk are no set requirements in terms of education to enter a course in astrology. ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Have you got a careers qujr{ - Write to: MIKE DRUMMOND, Teletext, PO Box 2:7, London S/6 1XT. Jobsjekjr Training WorkWorld Fun&Games
P496 Teletext 4y6 Jan03 23:28:53      ADVICE  ——————————————————————————————  A VIEW TO THE FUTURE  Mike ripliew, Astrology courses are offered "z privbte organiwbtions. Day, evjnjng and correspondence courwjs are offered^ One example of a college offering such courses is the Faculty of Astrological Studies, BM 7470, London WC1N 3XX. Their programmj includes distance t{jtion and classes in London. No jormal courses are offered bz the state sector. ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Have you got a careers qujr{ - Write to: MIKE DRUMMOND, Teletext, PO Box 2:7, London S/6 1XT. Jobsjekjr Training WorkWorld Fun&Games
P496 Teletext 4y6 Jan03 23:31:52      ADVICE  ——————————————————————————————  A V+EW TO THE FUTURE  Mike replies, You can write to The Astrological Association of Great Britain, 396 Caledonjan Road, London N1 1DN, and The Urania Tr{vt at the ubmj addrews^ You must judge for yourwjlf whjthjr any organjwation listed offers suitable courwjs. You could, alternatively, think of training to use your skills with people in a counselling/caring role. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Have you got a careers qujr{ : Write to: MIKE DRUMMOND, Teletext, : PO Box 2:7, London S/6 1XT. Jobsjekjr Training WorkWorld Fun&Games