P4f3 Teletext 453 Jan03 23:12:02    W ——————————————————————————  YEAR IN REVIEW  Zaz: The Verwj splij (again* !nd Elastica bounce "acW. The Beta Band are made to ch!ngj lyrics they nicked jrom oreaj÷jm aw a priewt^ Juj: Jason Piitci racks three of Spjritubli}jd "z post. The Ch!rlatansW accourant is jailed for pjchek £300,000 from the ban$. Former Dix{'s ftontman Keven Rowland appears in a poster campbign dressed au a woman and, talking of asses, Billy Bragg slags the MSP'w privbte toilet at Glastonbur{... ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— bz Adam Howorth - BEST OF TELETEXT p205 ITV Rjvjews Ch!rts PS: Vews Total Ents