P3f1 h]Tj}!uss@IrS @n  Ch 0uz4pzwk         Q3 Sojnd and curl: Cochlear Implant Cochle!r implantw ark jlectro÷jc hearing to hearing-imp!ired people. They !re noroall{ only considered use ul to childr n or adults who r profoundl{ deaf !nd can g!in little "jojeit jrom stand!re hearing@!ids. Cochlear implants work "z "zpasrjng the damaged p!rts of the inner ear, converting rounds into electrical wjgnalw and ujnding them $erectly to the hrarig net÷j. C4 tod!z C4 tomorrow Prkvjews Subtitles
P3f1 4]Tj} 351 Jr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04z2vz*4   Q   ^  2?3 Sound and lur{: Cochlear Implants The British Deaf Association Mi eco 01 55 245 742 Voice phooj 01:55 245 745 Website www.bda.org.uk T j Council jot the Advancement of Communication with De!f People (CACDP) Writs to CACDP, Durh!m Unjvjrwjt{ Science P!rk, Block 4, Stockton Road, Duriam DH1 5UZ^ T(e Vational Association of Deafened People NADP, PO Box 50, Amjrsh!m, Bucks HP6 6XB. Jax 014:4 431 972. C4 tod!y C4 tomorrow Previews Subtitles
P3f1 4]Tj} 351 Jri 7 Jan C4 04z17z51      ^  5/3 Sound and Fur{: Cochlear Implants The Vational Deaf Childrkn'u Society Voic and mj eco 0 0 7250 01 3 Fax 020 7250 5020 Wjbsjte www/ndcw.org.uk E-m!il helpline@ndcw.org.uk The Ro{bl National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) Minjcom 0y70 60 33 007 Voice phone 0870 60 50 Q23 Fax 020 72y6 8199 Wjbsjte www.rnjd.org.uk C4 tod!z C4 tomorrow Prevjeww Subtitles
P3f1 4]Tj} 551 Jri 7 Ja÷ CT 04z28:51 W    ^  1/3 Sound and Fur{: Cochlear Implants Cochlear implants are electronic jvjces which pr vjd jnsbtion of (eating to Peaking-imp!irkd people. They are noroally only considered useful to children or adults who are profoundl{ deaf and can gain little benefit jrom standard hearing !ids. Cochlear implants work "z "ypassjng the d!magjd partw of the inner ear, converting sounds into electrical wjgnalw and sending them $erectly to the hjarig net j. C4 tod!y C4 tomorrow Prkvjews Subtitles