P571 5 text 531 6 Jan 2306:41  GOOOO GOOO      Channel 5 WEDVESDAY I  J E DANCER: THE at 1*.30 BIG BLACK PILL Imhjrcovdr djtictime, Joe, sets out to discover the whereabouts of the jstrangeh son of@a ptomj.emt political @family. However, the investigation turns into a murder inquiry when the youth is gunned downjh bz a snjpjt. Starring Robert BlaSe, JoBith Williams and Neva patterson. 1/2 1981 Duration 110 mink . Those Secxrts>>> .ext preview today aooWlits mow/.ext
P571 5 tuxt 531 6 Jan 4310:05  O OGOO OOOOO OOOOO O    Channel ) EDVE DAY II  )HOSE SEC$JT" at 21.00 Emotion l drama about a young woman who is drawn back i]to a life of prostitution when hit marriage falls apart. Still suffering from her husband's betrayal, she gives up her job, buys herself@a list of clients a^d secretly resumes the life of a whore. Starring Blair Brown, Arliss Howard and Paul Guilfoyli. 2/2 1991 Duration 100 mink ] Joe Dancer>>> next preview today booklets now/next