P130CEEFAX0130 Thu 220May 2p:19/12
CRICKET Botham on four chargesC.136
County championship0index .........750
FOOTBALL Baileyppulls throughC..131
German hopes hitC..132 In briefC...133
Middlesbrough face new2threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rightsC..138
G pp ppppp pppp p 0
TENNIS Bale stays on course ....142
2 Seeds and rain fall0in Swiss OpenC.1:1
RACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
pp p 0
GolfC.......14:-45 CyclingC.......140
EquestrianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
Speedway ......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badminton .....146 In briefC......1:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May 2p:16/37
CRICKET Botham on four chargesC.136
County championship0index .........750
FOOTBALL Baileyppulls throughC..131
German hopes hitC..132 In briefC...133
Middlesbrough face new2threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rightsC..138
Gppp pppppp ppppp p pp 0
TENNIS Bale stays on course ....142
2 Seeds0and rain fall0inzSwiss OpenC.1:1
RACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
pp p 0
Golf .......14:-:5 Cycling .......140
EquestrianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
Speedway ......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badminton .....146 In briefC......1:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May 2p:36/34
CRICKET Botham on four chargesC.136
County championship0index .........750
FOOTBALL Bailey pulls throughC..131
German hopes hitC..132 In ariefC...133
Middles"rough face new threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno C
G pp pp p 0
<ENNIS Bale stays on courseC....142
2 Sa"atinidslips in SwitzerlanbC.....1:1
] +ACINGG Today's0meetingsC.....147-48
GolfC.......14:-:5 CyclingC.......140
EquestrianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
SpeedwayC......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badminton .....146 In briefC......1:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May 2p:16/12
CRICKETG Botham on four chargesC.136
County ch!mpionship indexC.........750
FOOTBALL Bailey pulls throughC..131
German hopesphitC..132 )n briefC...133
Middlesbrough face new2threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rightsC..138
G pp pp 0
TENNIS Bale stays on courseC....142
2 Seeds0and rain fall0in Swiss Open .141
RACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
p 0
GolfC.......14:-:5 Cycling .......140
Equestrianism .137 0Motor racingC..139
Speedway ......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badminton .....146 In1briefC......1:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May 2p:06/37
^ CFgFAX0130 Tut 220Nay0C;p:0./:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May C2X:16/57
CRICKET Both!m on four chargesC.136
] FOOTBALL Bailey pulls through ..131
German hopesphitC..132 In briefC...133
Middlesbrough face new threatC.....134
] BOXING ITV claim Bruno rights ..138
FG pp ppppppp pppp p p p 0
TENNIS Bale stays on corr3e ....142
2 Seeds0and rain fall0in Swiss OpenC.141
] RACINGG Today's0meetings .....147-48
pp p 0
Golf .......14:-45 Cycling .......140
Equestrianism .137 0Motor racing ..139
SpeedwayC......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badminton .....146 In briefC......1:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May 2p:00/39
22 pp0ppp0ppp0 p
] CRICKET Botham on four chargesC.136
County championship0indexC.........750
] FOOTBALL Baileyppulls throughC..131
German hopes hitC..132 In briefC...133
Middles"rough face new threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rig tsC..138
Gpppp ppppppp ppppp ppppppp 0
TENNIS Bale stays on courseC....142
2 Sebasian slapn fa S0inzSwian Op....141
RACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
p 0
G GolfC^......14:-:5 CyclingC.......140
EquestrianismC.137F0Motor racingC..139
SpeedwayC......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badmi CFn .X.1.146 In220iayCC...../:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May 2p:19/07
] CRICKET Botham0on four chargesC.136
County championship index .........750
FOO BAL Bailey pulls th oughC. 1
German hopes hitC..132 In briefC...133
Middlesbrough1face new2threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rigttsC..138
G pp ppppp ppp p p 0
TENNIS Bale stays on course ....142
2 Seeds and rain fall0in Swiss Open .141
] RACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
ppp p p p p 0
GolfC.......14:-:5 CyclingC.......140
EquestrianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
SpeedwayC......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badmi CFnCAX01.0 6Turn220iayCC;p:../:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May 2p:23/37
2 pp0ppp0ppp0 pp pp
CRICKET Botham on four chargesC.136
County championship0indexC.........750
FOOTBALL Bailey pulls throughC..131
German hopes hitC..132 In briefC...133
Middlesbrough face new2threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rightsC..138
G pp pppppp ppppp pppppp 0
] TENNIS Bale stays on course ....142
2 Seeds0and rain fall0in Swiss OpenC.141
RACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
pp p 0
GolfC.......14:-:5 Cycling .......140
EquestrianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
Speedway ......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badminton .....146 In briefC......1:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220Nay 2p:23/37
22 pp0ppp0ppp0 2pp
CRICKE G Both!m0on four0chargesC.136
County ch!mpionship0in$ex .........750
FOOTBALL Bailey pulls t ou 131
German hopes hitC..132 )n riefC...133
Middles"rough f!ce new threatC.....134
] BOXING ITV claim Bruno rights ..138
G p ppppp pp p 0
ENNIS Bale stays0on course ....142
2 Seeds0and rain fall0in0Swiss Ope C.1:1
] ACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
p p p pp p p 0
G GolfC^......14:-:5 Cycling .......140
FquestrianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
Speedway ......143 CommonwealthC..135
admi Cog AX01.0 6 uI1 20NayC ;p:../:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May0C2X:20/:7
] CRICKET Bothampon four0chargesC.136
County0championship0index .........750
German hopes hitC..132 In ariefC...133
Middlesbrough face new threatC.....134
] BOXING ITV claim Bruno rig ts ^.138
G pp 0
TENNIS Bale stays on course ....142
2 Seeds0and rain fall0in Swiss OpenC.1:1
kACINGG Today's0meetingsC.....147-48
ppp p ppppp ppppppp pppp p 0
Golf .......14:-:5 Cycling .......140
Equestrianism .137 0Motor racingC..139
SpeedwayC......143 Commonwealth ..135
adminton ^....146 In brief ......1 9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220Nay0 ;p:23/17
2 pp ppp0ppp0 pp0pp ppp pp pp
j5 '
s5 /.%/
C ICKET Both m on four chargesC.136
County ch mpionship index .........750
FOO BAL ailey pulls through ..131
German hopes hitC..132 n briefC...133
Middles rough f ce new threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rig tsC..138
G pp ppppp ppp p 0
ENNIS Bale stays on course ....142
S i .1 1
ACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
ppp p p 0
Golf ......14:-:5 Cycling .......140
quest ianism .137 0Motor cing ..139
Speedway ......143 CommonwealthC..135
admi CFnFAX01.0 tn220Nay0.;p:../:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220Nay 2p:27/24
22 pp0ppp0ppp0 p pp
0/.%/ %
C ICKET Botham on four chargesC.136
County ch mpionship0index .........750
FOOTBALL Bailey pulls th ough ..131
German hopes hitC..132 n briefC...133
Middles"rough face new2threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rig tsC..138
G p ppppp ppppp p 0
ENNIS Bale stays0on course ....142
2 Seeds and rain fall0in Swiss Ope .1 1
] ACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
p p 0
Golf .......14:-:5 Cycling .......140
Equestrianism .137 0Motor racing ..139
Speedway ......143 Commonwealth ..135
Badminton .....146 In briefC......1:9
P130CFEFAX0130 2Tut 220M!y C;X:32/34
j z j '
%+ 2
CRICKET Botham on four chargesC.13
County ch mpionship in exC.........750
FOOTBALL Bailey pulls through ..131
German hopes hit ..132 n reef ...133
Middlesbrough f ce new threatC.....134
BOXI G ITV claim Bruno ights .138
G pp p p p p p p p pp 0
TENNIS Bale stays on course ....142
2 S i 1 1
ACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
pp p 0
Golf .......14:- 5 Cycling .......140
Equest ianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
SpeedwayC......143 Commonwealt C..135
BadmintonC.....14 In C
P130CFgFAX0130 Tut 220Nay 2p:30/44
22 pp0ppp0ppp0
0/.%/ 5&2 ?q0
CR-CK TG Both!m0on four chargesC.136
County championship index ^........750
FOOTBALL Bailey pulls through ..131
German hopes hitC..132 In briefC...133
Middle3"rough f!ce new1threatC.....13:
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rights ..138
C GAX01 220Nay p: /
2 Seeds and rain fall0in0Swi s Ope C.1:1
] +ACINGG Today's0meetings .....147-48
G pppp p pp ppp pppp p ppppp 0
GolfC.......14:-:5 Cycling .......140
EquestrianismC.137G0Motor r!cingC..139
Speedway ......143 CommonwealthC..135
admi CFnCAX.1.1 6 )n120NayC.;p...1:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220Nay 2p:00/19
22 pp0ppp0ppp0 p0pp pp0pp0pppppp p pp
CRICKET Botham on four chargesC.136
County ch!mpionship0index .........750
FOOTBALL Bailey pulls throughC..131
German hopes hitC..132 In briefC...133
Middles"rough face new2threatC.....134
] BOXING ITV claim Bruno rights ..138
G pp ppppp ppppp pppppp 0
ENNIS Bale stays0on course ....142
2 Seeds0and rain fall0in0Swiss0OpenC.1:1
+ACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
G ppp p p 0
GolfC.......14:-:5 CyclingC.......140
EquestrianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
Speedway ......143 CommonwealthC..135
BadmintonC.....146 In briefC......1:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut1220May0C;p:23/37
^ v CFECAX0130 Tu%n220Nay0C;X:23/:7
P130CFgFAX0130 Tut1220Nay0C;p:16/17
] CRICKET Botham0on four chaqgesC.136
County ch!mpionship0indexC.........750
] FOOTBALL Bailey pulls throughC..131
German hopesphit ..132 In briefC...133
Middlesbrough face new2threatC.....134
] BOXING ITV claim Bruno rightsC..138
FGppppppppppppp pppppp pppppp 0
] TENNIS Bale stays on courseC....142
2 Seeds0and rain fall in0Swiss OpenC.141
RACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
pp 0
GolfC.......14:-:5 Cycling .......140
EquestrianismC.137 0Motor acingC..139
SpeedwayC......143 CommonwealthC..135
BadmintonC.....146 In C
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220May 2p:17/12
CRICKETG Both!m on four chargesC.136
County ch!mpionship0index .........750
FOOTBALL Bailey pulls throughC..131
German hopes hitC..132 In briefC...133
Middles"rough face new2threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rightsC..138
G pp ppppp p p p 0
TENNIS Bale stays0on course ....142
2 Seedsiandsrain fallwinzSwias Ope...141
+ACING Today's0meetings .....147-48
pp p 0
GolfC.......14:-:5 CyclingC.......140
EquestrianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
SpeedwayC......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badminton .....146 In briefC......1:9
P130CFFFAX0130 Tut 220Nay0 ;p:10/39
2 p ppp0p p p0pp pp pp pp
CRICKETG Both!m0on four chargesC.136
County ch!mpionship0in exC.........750
FOOTBAL iley pulls t ou h ..131
German hopes hitC..132 In briefC...133
Middlesbrough face new threatC.....134
BOXING ITV claim Bruno rightsC..138
G pp p pppppp pp pp ppp 0
ENNIS Bale stays0on course ....142
2 Seeds0and rain fall0in Swi s Ope .1:1
+AC NG Today's0meetings .....147-48
pp p 0
GolfC.......14:-:5 yclingC.......140
EquestrianismC.137 0Motor racingC..139
SpeedwayC......143 CommonwealthC..135
Badminton .....146 In 2riafC......1:9