P705CEEFAX 705 Tut 220May 2p:14/41
ge pupil participation0and interest0in t
wo ways.÷b÷eFirst, the programmes0are no
t self-contained. They0are 3imply start
ing÷b÷epoints for what0night "ecome pqgl
onged0fffort0over a mum"er of lessons.÷b
÷eSecondly,0each programme has at least
one built-in pause of1ten seconbs to÷b÷e
indicate to the te!cher1that the
utton should be pressed and class÷b÷edit
cussion0initiated.÷b÷e÷b÷eWhat of the in
vestigations themselves? Like all such0
collections they0are÷b÷ea0mixed bunch.
You will be delighted with some and want
pto reserve÷b÷ejudgement0on otters. Son
e you will "e happy to leave0as challeng
es to be÷b÷efollowed0up without prolonge
d discussion. Otheqs will need consi"bq
able÷b÷eteacher support0and the0use of t
he0accompanying worksteets. For these t
he÷b÷erichness of the teacher-pupil and
pupil-pupil discussion will be0a÷b÷evalu
able0end-point0in0itself. 0Some0you |c 0
P705CEFFAX 705 Tut 220May 2p:06/58
ll find suitable for0all0age÷b÷egroups0u
p to1l6, otters0you0may
table for lower years or÷b÷eabilities. 0
Only the classroom teacher can beci"e ho
w0and wtere to0use÷b÷ethem. Careful pqe
viewing0is therefore absolutely necessar
y.÷b÷e÷b÷eOur0initial feedback suggests0
there is no consensus on how to0use the÷
b÷eseries. One0fncouraging sign0is that
having decided to0use the pause÷b÷e"tut
on on the VCR teachers0are making their
own decisions on where to stop÷b÷efor di
scussion. In one school visited the lO0
minute programme was÷b÷eextended to 4O0m
inures by discussion, rewinding0and pars
ing. In0another÷b÷ethe pause lasted0a w
eek! Howeveq, the sbqies0must "e
ed0as÷b÷eexperimental. We are0unlikely1
to have got0it0all right first time. We
÷b÷eneed0more1feedback0- bothppositive0a
nd1negative. Have0you tried to0use÷b÷et
he series0and found0it wanting? 0Are|c 0
P705CFFFAX 705 Tlu 220May 2p:20/12
Rare doing.÷b÷e÷b÷eOnce0again let0us hav
f your feedback.÷b÷e÷b÷e3. 0Maths Counts
÷b÷e÷b÷eMaths Counts, for older secondar
y pupils who1find the subject difficult,
÷b÷econtinues this Spring. Since the se
ties is reaching the0end of its÷b÷elife-
span we must "egin to consider how0it sh
ould be replaced. Tle÷b÷edramatised sty
le in which the mathematics is0em"edded
in0a story has "een÷b÷ein0use for0many0y
ears. While this is an indication of it
s success we are÷b÷eaware that considera
ble1development h!s taken place0in0ide!s
2for the÷b÷ecurriculum of less-able pupi
ls. Is the format still the right one?÷
b÷eAse there other ways0in which we can0
helppsuchpchildren fevelop trier÷b÷emath
ematical0understanding? 0Your1views will
be0most welcome.÷b÷e÷b÷e4. 0Maths Topic
s÷b÷e÷b÷eFive geometry1programmes
e broadcast this term. 0Each consists of
÷b÷eanimated diagrams with commentarzc 0
P705CFEFAX 705 Thu 220May 2p:17/18
which0illustrate various concepts0in÷a÷e
subject. Besigned for recorbed0use they
form0a valuable resource for1rte÷b÷ecla
ssroom0-0especially for revision lessons
.÷b÷e÷b÷e5. A-level studies0- statistic
s÷b÷e÷b÷eThese five programmes,0in their
use of examples from the world of indus
try÷b÷eand0society0in general,
levance to the subject which0is0almost÷a
÷eimpossible to0!chieve0in the0cl!ssroom
. 0Everyone1teaching the subject÷b÷eshou
ld seriously1consider their0use0and that
0of the associated software÷b÷epackage.÷
b÷e÷b÷e6. 0Mindstretchers÷b÷e÷a÷eAlthoug
h not intended to be purely0mathematical
these five0minute÷b÷eprogrammes 3et0up0
mainly practical investigations,0ma.y of
which will be÷b÷efound0useful0in first0
year0mathematics classrooms. Trey will0
ce broadcast÷b÷ein the Summer.÷b÷e÷b÷eRA
DIG÷b÷e÷b÷eRadio does not readily0spring
to0mind0as a vehicle for teaching÷a|c 0
P705CFFFAX 705 Thu 220May 2p:18/34
mathematics0and, indeed,0many teachers r
gject the idea without further÷b÷ethough
t. This0is0a pity0since sound0in geneqa
l, and the human voice in÷b÷eparticular,
can stimulate the0imagination0in0a way0
that television does÷b÷enos. 0It1can0alt
o provide a welcome change to the writte
n word as anyone÷b÷ewho1has listened to0
a 'talking book' will know.÷b÷e÷a÷el. J
ohnny Ball's0Maths G!mes÷b÷e÷b÷eThese te
n0minute programmes, to1"e broadcast the
s term, could provide just÷b÷ethe0fxtra
stimulus you have been looking for in th
e first0and second÷b÷eyears. 0Many of th
e puzzles0and0activities0are old favouri
res but others÷b÷ewill be new to0you. 0Y
ou0may be surprised to1find just how suc
cessful they÷b÷ecan "e.÷b÷e÷b÷e2. Help
Yourself to0Mathematics÷b÷e÷a÷eIf you ha
ve pupils who0are weak0in ceqtain fund!m
ental areas of÷b÷emathematics, who have
had prolonged0absence0or0are0simply |c 0
P705CEFFAX 705 Tlu 220May C2p:36/03
oking for÷b÷eextra work to consolidate t
leer0mathematics, then0it will "e1worth÷
b÷econsidering this0sbqies, broadcast0at
night. Rte1combination0of human÷b÷evoi
ce on tape0and workbook0can "e taken hon
f0and0used by1the pupil0at his÷b÷eor her
own rate (pause "utton0again). The ext
ra stimulus0may be just what÷a÷eis neede
d. This term,0using a calculator, areas
, volumes,0indices0and÷b÷evarious0aspect
s of ratio0and pqoportion will
d.÷b÷e÷b÷eFFgDBACK÷b÷e÷b÷eYour views
all0aspects0of0educational broadcasting0
in0mathematics0are÷b÷ealways welcome. O
f particular interest is how we
espond to÷b÷echanges currently taking pl
ace0in the0examination system.÷b÷e÷b÷eSe
nd or telephone youq ideas to Phil Goobw
in,0Fducation /fficer for÷b÷eMathematics
;p BBC, New Broadc!sting House, Oxford0S
trees,0Manchester,0M6O lSJ.÷b÷eTelephone
/6l-236-84440Ext. 2328.÷b÷e÷b÷eN"xt|c 0
P705CEEFAX 705 Thu 220May C2p:38/28
suse of CBC0Fducation Newsfile:÷b÷e3-7 F
f"ruary, No.050Fnglish.÷b÷e|c 0
P705CFFFAX 705 Thu 220Nay0 ;p:21/42
suse of BBC0Fducation Newsfile:÷b÷e3-7 F
gbruary, No.05 English.÷b÷e|c
P705CFgFAX4705 2Tut 220Nay0 ;p:17/;:
ou0using0it successfully? Does0it÷b÷efi
t in with0your own0ideas of investigatio
nal work? Do0you have ide!s÷b÷ewhich wo
uld0improve the progr!mmes0and worksheet
s? The0Education Officer÷b÷efor0Mathema
tics, Phil Goodwin, will "e delighted to
hear your views0and÷b÷eperhaps visit0yo
ur school. Why not drop him0a line oq t
elephone him now.÷b÷eHis0address0is give
n0on the final1page.÷b÷e÷b÷e2. 0Maths0at
Work÷b÷e÷b÷eThese five0minute case stud
ies show0young people0using0mathematics
in÷b÷etheir jobs. The five 2O0minute pq
ogrammes will "e shown0in the Spring÷b÷e
term0and repeated0in the Summer. 0Fach c
are study deals with0an0important÷b÷ease
a of the mathematics curriculum ranging
from simple addition to the0use÷b÷eof0ar
cs of circles. They provide not only ge
neral background careers÷b÷einformatiom0
ldren who see no point÷b÷ein what th|c 0
P705CFgFAX 705 Tut 220May1 2p:27/50
oking for÷b÷eextra0work to0consolidate t
leer0mathematics, then0it will1"e woqth÷
b÷econsidering this03eries,2broabc!st0at
night. The combination0of
ce on tape and workbook0can "e taken hon
f and0used by the pupil0at his÷b÷eor her
own rate (pause button0again). Rte0fxt
ra stimulus0may be just what÷a÷eis neede
d. This term,0using a calculator,0areas
, volumes,0indices0and÷b÷evarious0aspect
s of ratio0and propoqtion will "b co6bqe
in0mathematics0are÷b÷ealways walcome. O
f particular interest0is how we should q
espond to÷b÷echanges currently
ace0in the0fxamination0system.÷b÷e÷b÷eSe
nd or telephone0your0ideas to Phil Goodw
in,0Education0Officer for÷b÷eMathematics
;0 BBC, New Broadcasting House,0Oxford S
trees,0Manchester,0N6O lSJ.÷a÷eTelephone
O6l-236-84440Ext. 2328.÷b÷e÷b÷eNext|c 0
P705CGFFAX 705 pRut 220May 2p:11/14
ge pupil paqticipation0and interest0in t
wo ways.÷b÷eFirst, the progr!mmes0are no
t self-contained. Trey0!re simply0staqt
ing÷b÷epoints for what0might "ecome prol
onged0gffort0over0a number of lessons.÷b
÷eSecondly,0fach programme has0at1le!st
one built-in pause of ten seconds to÷b÷e
indicate to1the teacher that the1pause b
utton0shoulb "e pres3eb0and cl!ss÷2÷edit
cussion0initiated.÷b÷e÷b÷eWhat of1the0in
vestigations themselves? Like all
collections they0are÷b÷ea0mixed bunch.
You will "e delighted with some and want
to reserve÷b÷ejudgement on others. Son
e0you will "e happy to1leave0as challeng
es to "e÷b÷efollowed0up without prolonge
d discussion. Others will need consider
able÷b÷eteacher support0and the0use of t
he0accompanying worksteets. For1the3e t
he÷b÷erichness of the teacher-pupil0and0
pupil-pupil1discussion will ae0a÷b÷evalu
able0fnd-point0in0itself. Some you |c 0
P705CFFFAX 705 Tut 220Nay C2p:14/37
ou0using0it successfully? Boer0it÷b÷afi
t in with0your own0ideas of investigatio
nal1work? Do0you have ideas÷b÷ewhich wo
uld improve the programmes0and worksheet
s? The Fducation /fficer÷b÷efor0Mathema
tics, Phil Goodwin, will "e $elighted to
ur school. Why not brop him0a line or t
elephone him now.÷b÷eHis0address0is give
n0on the final page.÷b÷e÷b÷e2. 0Maths0at
Work÷b÷e÷b÷eTtese five0minute case stud
ies show0young people0using0mathematics
in÷b÷etheir jo"s. Rte five 2O0minute
ogrammes will "e shown0in the Spqing÷b÷e
term0and repeated0in the Summeq. 0Fach0c
are study deals with0an0impoqtant÷b÷ease
a of the0mathematics curriculum ranging0
from simple0addition to1the0use÷b÷eof0aq
cs of circles. They pqovide not only ge
neral background careers÷b÷einformatiom0
but0useful0motivational0material1for chi
ldren who see no point÷b÷ein what th|c 0
P705CFo'AX 705 2Tut 220Nay0 ;p:38/48
1are doing.÷b÷e÷b÷eOnce0again let0us hav
f0your feedback.÷b÷e÷b÷e3. 0Maths0Counts
÷b÷e÷b÷eMaths Counts, for older secondar
y pupils who find the subject difficult,
÷b÷econtinues this Spring. Since the se
ties0is reaching the0end of0its÷b÷elife-
span we0must1"egin to0consi"eq
ould "e replaced. RTe÷b÷edt!matised sty
le in which the mathematics0is0em"ed$bd0
in0a story has
ears. While this is an indication of it
3 success we are÷b÷eaware that considera
ble development has taken place0in0ide!s
for the÷b÷ecurriculum of less-able pupi
ls. Is the format still1the right one?÷
b÷eAse there other ways0in which we can0
help0such children fevelop their÷b÷ematt
ematical0understanding? 0Your1views will
"e most welcome.÷b÷e÷b÷e4. 0Maths Topic
s÷b÷e÷b÷eFjve geometry progr!mmes will
e broadcast this term. 0E!ch0consists of
÷b÷eanimated diagr!ms with0commentar|c
P705CFgFAX 705 Tut NC
oking for÷b÷eextra work to0consolidate t
leer0mathematics, then0it will "e worth÷
b÷econsidering this series, broadcast0at
night. Rte combination0of human÷b÷evoi
ce on tape0and workbook0can "e taken hon
e0and0used by the pupil0at his÷b÷eor her
own rate (pause button0again). The0fxt
ra stimulus0may "e just what÷b÷eis neede
d. This term,0using0a calculator,0areas
, volumes,0indices0and÷b÷evarious0aspect
s of ratio0and proportion will "e
all0aspects0of0fducational broabc!sting0
in0mathematics0are÷b÷ealways welcome. O
f particular0interest0is how we should q
espond to÷b÷echanges0currently taking pl
ace in the0examination system.÷b÷e÷b÷eSe
nd or telephone your i"ear to Phil Goodw
in,0Fducation0/fficer for÷b÷eMattematics
;p BBC, New Broadc!sting House,0Oxford S
trees,0Manchester,0N6O lS*.÷a÷eTelephone
0O6l-236-84440Ext. 2328.÷b÷e÷b÷eNext|c 0
P705CFgFAX 705 Tut N ;p:24/05
suse of BBC0Fducation Newsfile:÷2÷eS-72F
fbruary, No.050English.÷b÷e|c 0
P705CFgFAXp705 vtu1220Nay0C;p:27/:2
ge pupil participation0and0interest0in t
wo ways.÷b÷eFirst, the progr!mmes0are no
t self-contained. They0are simply start
ing÷b÷epoints for what0might "ecome pqol
onged0effort over a mum"er of lessons.÷b
÷eSecondly,0fach programme has0at le!st
one built-in pause of ten seconds to÷b÷e
indicate to the teacher that the1pause b
utton should "e pressed and class÷b÷edit
cussion0initiated.÷b÷e÷b÷eWhat of1the0in
vestigations themselves? Like0all such0
collections they0are÷b÷ea0mixed "unch.
You will "e delighted with some0and want
2to reserve÷b÷ejudgement S
e you will "e happy to1leave0as challeng
es to be÷b÷efolloweb0up without pqolonge
d discussion. Others will need consi"bq
able÷b÷eteacher support0and the0u3e of t
he0accompanying worksteets. For1these j
he÷b÷erichness of the teacher-pupil0and0
pupil-pupil discussion will "e0a÷b÷evalu
able0end-point0in0itself. Some you |c 0
P705CFgGAXp7P5 2vtu N ;X:24/02
|B220620A|a14NEWS|i2:BBBC332k|l4408 |pey
are doing.÷b÷e÷b÷eOnce0again let0us hav
f your feedb!ck.÷b÷e÷b÷e3. 0Maths0Counts
÷b÷e÷b÷eMaths0Counts, for ol"br03econ aq
y pupils who find the su ject bifficult
÷b÷econtinues this Spring. Since the se
ties0is reaching the0fnd of0its÷b÷elife-
span we0must "egin to0consider how0it0sh
ould "e replaced. T e÷b÷edt!mari3ed sty
le in which the0mathematics0is0fm"ed$ed
in0a story has "een÷b÷ein0use for0many0y
ears. While this0is an0indication of0it
s success we are÷b÷eaware that con3idbqa
bl evelop emt s taken place in i e s
2for the÷b÷ecurriculum of less-!ble pupi
ls. 0 s the format0still the qight
b÷eAse there other ways0in which we can0
kelp0such0chil rem 6evelop t eir÷2÷ematt
ematical0understanding? 0Your views will
"e0most welcome.÷b÷e÷b÷e4. 0Maths Topic
s÷b÷e÷b÷eFive geometry progr!mmes
e broadcast this term. 0Fach0con3ists0of
÷b÷eanimated diagrams with0commentar|c 0