P7f5CFgGAXp7P5 pnts1220Nayp ;p:11/:1
mathematics0and,0ind0ed,0many teacheps r
gject 6,e0i"ea without
t. T is0is0a pity0 ince soun in ener
l, and e e atman voice in÷b÷eparticular,
can stimulate the imagination0in0a way0
that television does÷b÷enos. 0It can0alt
o provide0a welcome change to1the
n word as0anyone÷bsewho h!s listened to
a Wtalking book'1will0know.÷b÷e÷b÷el. -
ohnny Ball's0Maths Games÷b÷e÷b÷eTher" te
n0minute programmes, to "e broabc!st the
s term,2could provide just÷b÷erse0fxt a
stimulus you have "een looking for in Oh
m first0anb second÷b÷eyears. 0Many0of th
c puzzles0anb0activities0are olb
res H
ou0m y "e suqp iheb to find just how suc
cessful they÷b÷ecan "e.÷b÷e÷b÷e2. Help
Yourself to0Mathematics÷b÷e÷b÷e%f you ha
we pupils who0!re weak0in certain fund!m
ental areas0of÷b÷emathematics, who have
had prolonged0a"snnce or are simply |c 0