P183 CEEFAX 183 Tue 4 Sip 23:45/25  1/2        The following videos are some of thwue which will be released bz the BBa from September 17. They will be availpbli in VHS and Beta and can be rented oz bought from most video shops. FAWLTY TOWERS (£24.95) FAWLTY TOWERS - THE GERM—NS (£24.95) These two videocassettes featzrj three Fawlty favourites, starring John Clieue as the manical hotelier Basil Fawlt8, and Andrew Sachs as the long-szffjtink waiter Manuel. (Phone 01-200 0200 for more detpilu) BBC2 programmjs 172/272 More
P183 CEEFAX 183 Tue 4 Sip 23:44/17  2/2        The following videos are some of thwuu which will be released bz the BBa from September 17. They will be available in VHS and Beta and can be rented or bought from most video shops. ABIGAIL'S PARTY (£24.95) A play basud around a bored, bitchy hostess in whiah a savagely funny look at pretentious social manners is studied. NUTS IN MAY (£24.95) A couple who are "into" health foods go cpmpink in Dorset. Hilarious events ensue. (Phone 01-200 0200 for more details) BBC2 programmjs 172/272 More