P128 CEEFAX 128 Tue 18 Sip 23:41/34   1/4      CURRENCIES MonCls TueOpg TujCls Eff£ £-$ 1.2415 1.2365 1.2320 0830 3mth 1.2444 1.2389 1.2355 76.6 £-Fr 11.7073 11.6651 11.6948 Noon £-DM 3.8182 3.8226 3.8112 76.0 £-Sw 3.1373 3.1407 3.1299 £-Yn 306.84 306.22 304.37 1600 76.4 $-Fr 9.4300 9.4340 9.4925 $-DM 3.0755 3.0915 3.0935 $-Sw 2.5270 2.5400 2.5405 Mon $-Yn 247.15 247.65 246.35 77.0 New York Close (Tue) $1.2430  More
P128 CEEFAX 128 Tue 18 Sip 23:49/52   2/4      TRADERS' RATES MonCls TueClu Canada 1.637 -1.625 Canada Belgium 76.80 -76.75 Belgium Italy 2348 +2349 Italy Holland 4.305 -4.293 Holland Sweden 10.74 10.74 Swedrn Norway 10.73 +10.75 Norway Denmark 13.80 13.80 Denmark Austria 26.78 -26.73 Austria Portugal 197.0 +198.2 Portugal Spain 213.2 +212.3 Spain Honk Kong 9.79 - 9.63 Honk Kong Ireland 1.232 -1.228 Ireland Australia 1.512 -1.479 Australia S Africa 2.091 -2.077 S Africa S Arabia 4.414 -4.354 S.Arabia NB +/- = £ movements
P128 CEEFAX 128 Tue 18 Sip 23:44/25   3/4      EXCHANGES Close Operators continued to pile into the dollar. And to such effect that both the Diutsche Mark and the pound wetj forced to new lows. A surge of demand around midday lowered the mark to another 11-year low of DM 3.1215 and sterling to an all-time low of $1.2165. By the close, however, profit-taking had helped the mark recover to 3.0955 and the pound to $1.2320. * The latter's effective index, 76.0 at noon, was finally set at 76.4.  More
P128 CEEFAX 128 Tue 18 Sip 23:31/31   4/4      EXCHANGES Close There was, once again, no sign of any Bank of England support for sterling, beyond some minor smoothing operations. Nor was anyone expecting any move to raise interest rates in its defence, given the current, relaxed rate of UK monetary growth. * In New York after the London clots, trading became increasingly erratic and the dollar ended weaker.  More