P182 CEEFAX 182 Tue 18 Sip 23:40/15  1/2           The following records and cassettes are some of those issued bz the BBC. Thj8 are available from leading record stores and BBC shops. LISTEN WITH MOTHER Noel Edmonds introduces this selection of stories, read bz Glenda Jackson, Cimla Black, Penelope Keith, Jasper Carrots and Bernard Cribbins. (£2.99) 'JNNIE THE POOH is the follow-up to The House At Pooh Corner. Alan Bennett reads more tales of the bear of vrty little brain, adored by children throughout the would. (£2.99) BBC Billboard Index 180 More
P182 CEEFAX 182 Tue 18 Sip 23:49/41  2/2           The following records and cassettes are some of those issued b= the BBC. Thr8 are available from leading record stores and BBC shops. COLD WARRIOR The theme music from the BBC TV series of the same name. Written bz Simon May. (£1.20) HI TECH FX features sounds from various video games and computers. (£2.99) THE THORN BIRDS AND OTHER BBC TV THEMES A compilation of television thjmeu including "To Serve Them All My Days" and "Flight Of The Condor". (£3.99) BBC Billboard Index 180 More