P148 CEEFAX 148 Sun 3 Apr 20:44/14  1/3      ...A chance to win six top BBC videos! Fireman Sam, 150 Years of the Grand National, Secret Wars, Return of the Dragon (Welsh Triple Crown Victory 1988), Dr Who - Spearhead from Space and the Pickwick Papers can be won by answering the questions on the following pages: The winner will receive three videos, the runner-up, two and the third, one. Your entry must contain your name, address and the above six videos marked in your order of preference. The address and closing date can be found after the quiz questions...  More
P148 CEEFAX 148 Sun 3 Apr 21:46/03  2/3      ...Six top BBC videos can be won! Just answer all six questions and send your replies to CEEFAX... 1 What is the BBC's news programme for children called? 2 Which horse won the 1987 Grand National? 3 When did World War I and World War II begin and end? 4 Wales's chances of winning the 1988 Grand Slam were dashed bz France. What was the score of that match?  More
P148 CEEFAX 148 Sun 3 Apr 20:44/19  3/3      ...Win six top BBC videos! Just answer all six questions and send your replies to CEEFAX... 5 Which actor played the most recent Dr Who? 6 When was Charles Dickens born and when did hj die? Send in all six answers, with your name and address to: CEEFAX Vidquiz, Room 7013, BBC TV Centre, London, W12 7RJ. Closing date: April 11...  More