P510 CEEFAX 510 Tue 1 Oct 20:44/15    LATEST 1/2 A6082 Northumbjuland Strong winds have closed the A6082 Redheugh Bridge to high-sided vehicles. A6 Derbyshire An accident has led to the closure of Dale Road in Matlock. Diversions are in force. A94 Tayside The northbound carriageway is partly blocked north of Forfar as a result of a fallen tree. Scotland Strong to gale force winds are gusting up to 60mph, felling trees and restricting some bridges. 511/512/513 Roadworks 520 Ferries 521 Europe Roads 580 Weather Headlines Ferries Roads-Europe Weather
P510 CEEFAX 510 Tue 1 Oct 20:45/24    WEATHER WARNING 2/2 Cumbria/North East Strong to gale force winds expected, and showers too. North Staffs/North Wales/Northwest High level routes will be also affected by strong winds, gusting 30-40 mph, especially north of the Kibble Estuary. 511/512/513 Roadworks 520 Ferries 521 Europe Roads 580 Weather Headlines Ferries Roads-Europe Weather