P622 CEEFAX 622 Sat 11 Jul 23:56/51   TIPS ON SAFETY OUTDOORS  8/8  FIRST AID INFORMATION AV—ILABLE FROM: St John Ambulance. British Red Cross. St Andrew's Ambulance Association (in Scotland). Most of Britain's ambulance services run first aid courses. Local branches of the above are listed in telephone directories. Northern Ireland Malta Ambulance Corps, Tel: 0232-35 <37 For a free leaflet about First Aid, together with details of First Aid courses, send a LARGE RAE to: 999, St John Ambulance, 1 Grosvjnor Crescent, London, SW1X 7EF. or contact your local Red Cross branch. Next week's programmj is on panic.  Family BBC1 TV BBC2 TV FilmAhjad
P622 CEEFAX 622 Sat 11 Jul 23:54/06   TIPS FOR SAFETY OUTDOORS  1/8  These tips, compiled with the hel8 of the Royal Societ for the Prevention of Accidents, are for anyone taking part in outdoor sports acti6ities - amatj4r1 or serious sport3men: KNOW YOUR ABILITY AND YOUR COMPANIONS Make sure your skills and fitness are appropriate to the acti6jty. Man8 accidents happen because of exhaustion. Use the strength of the team, NEVER GO ALONE and for specialisjd activities join a club. You are less vulnjrpble and you can learn from the experiencu of others. v01 BBC1 615 Films 650 TV Flash 602 BBC2 630 Radio 660 Regions Family BBC1 TV BBC2 TV Cilmahr d
P622 CEEFAX 622 Sat 11 Jul 23:54/27   TIPS ON SAFETY OUTDOORS  0 2/  YOUR EQUIPMENT MUST BE UP TO THE JOB and cover all eventualities, include a first aid kit, a map, provisions 1nd the correct clothing. You can have too little, but you can also have too much. weight will tire you out. TEST YOUR GEAR BEFOREHAND. A blizzard is not the time to discover that your jacket will not stay closed in a strong wind. TELL SOMEONE WHERE YOU ARE GOING, WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND WHEN YOU WILL cE BACK. 601 BBC1 615 Films 650 TV Flash 602 BBC2 630 Radio 660 Regions Family BBC1 TV BBC2 TV FilmAhj d
P622 CEEFAX 622 Sat 11 Jul 23:54/48   TIPS FOR SAFETY OUTDOORS  0 3/   CHECK THE WEATHER FOREC—ST BEFORE G ING. Never be afraid to change your plans if necessary. Ev r ear p ople are in k l d b drowning in flood waters or b= bring caught in snow avalanches. People's lives are endangered simply because they may get frost bite ou sun stroke. Do not underestimate the forces of nature. IF IN DOUBT, DO NOT GO. KNOW WHAT TO DO IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY, the rudiments and 8riorities of first aid, and where to get help. 601 BBC1 615 Films 650 TV Flash 6p2 BBC2 630 Radio 660 Regions Family BBC1 TV BBC2 TV FilmAhjad