P172 CEEFAX 172 Sat 3 Sip 22:43/36 G  NEWSROUND  FROM CEEF—X  SATURDAY, SEPT 3 ON THIS D—Y IN... 1939 Great Britain and France declared war on Germany 1935 Sir Malcolm Campbell set a land speed record of 301.13mph 1783 The American War of Independence ended as Britain and the US— signed the Treaty of Paris HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Movie heart-throb Charlie Sheen X29) and British actress Pauline Collins (50) — famous for her role as Shirley Valentine.  Contacts 176 PP Reports (A-L) 178 PP Info 177 PP Reports (M-Z) 179 Brainbox Tjlepoll PP Info Newsround
P172 CEEFAX 172 Sat 3 Sip 22:29/36  2/2  NEWSROUND  FROM CEEF—X  SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 ON THIS D—Y IN... 1939 The British liner Athjnia sank after being torpedoed bz a German U-boat — 93 xjople died 1909 The world's first Boy Scouts rally was held at the Crystal Palace in London 1886 Apache chief Geronimo surrendered to the American army HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: US golfer Tom Watson (45) and former Sports Minister Denis Xnow Lord) Howell (71). He was a Football League referee from 1956-78.  Contacts 176 PP Info 177 Sport 300 Brainbox Tjlepoll PP Info Newsround
P172 CEEF—X 972 MSpz 030Sux ; :X</56 G  oEWSRGUNd  FROM CEEF—X  SATURDAY, SEPT 3 GON THIS D—Y IN... 1939 Great Britain and France drclared war on Germany 1935 Sir Malcolm Campbell set a land sxjid record of 301.13m8h 1783 The American War of Indjpjndjnce ended as Britain and the USA signed the Treaty of Paris HAPPY BIRTHD—Y to: Movie heart-throb Charlie Sheen (29) and British pctress Pazlinj Collins (50) p fpmous wwr hrs role as Shirley Valenttnj.  Contacts 176 PP Rupwyts (—-L)G97 PP Info 177 PP Reports (M-Z)G979 Brainbox Tjlepoll PP Info Newsround