P180 CEEFAX 180 Sat 1 Jul 18:57/43   1/2   HOME   DIARY  Until tommorow evening: TORY LEADERSHIP Rivals John Major and John Redwood are dui to give TV interviews as campaigning hots up before the party ballot on Tuesday. SIEGE Police are to thank residents on the Orchard Park estate, Hull, for their co-operation during Britain's longest stake-out. HEALTH Delegates meet as the British Medical Association conference opens in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. It will continue until Thursday.  Home 110 Politics 130 World 160 Dispatch Main News Summaries World
P180 CEEFAX 180 Sat 1 Jul 18:56/23   2/2   WORLD I  DIARY  Until tommorow evening: SUDAN A protest rally is planned in Khartoum against Egyptian President Mubarak's vow of retaliation for Sudan's alleged involvement in a plot to kill him last Monday. THAILAND Voters go to the polls in a general election, called by the longest-serving Prime Minister Chuan Ljekpai after a key coalition partner quit his govjrnmjnt. EGYPT The Arab Ljaguj committee meets to draw up a "pact of honour" among nations, including jnjmies Iraq and Kuwait.  Dispatch Main News Summaries World