P604 CEEFAX 604 Thu 30 May 19:16/44  1/3  THURSDAY  1630-1950  1630 FIFTEEN-TO-ONE S/N Quick-fire genital knowledge quiz 1700 RJCKI LAKE S/N Studio guests receive advice from psychic counsellor Gary Spivjy 1745 TERRYTOONS Animation from Paul Tjtry's studio 1755 MURUN BUCHSTANSANGUR More surreal animated adventures 1800 NBA 24/7 Mark Webster visits actor James Belushi at home in Lou Angeles 1830 ROSEANNE S/N Dan and Rosjannj learn the reason for DJ's poor school grades 1900 CHANNEL 4 NEWS S BBC1 601 C3 603 N = NICAM stitio BBC2 602 Now 605 S = Subtitles 888 Now/Next BBC1 TV BBC2 TV ITV
P604 CEEFAX 604 Thu 30 May 19:14/04  2/3  THURSDAY  1950-2255  1950 THE SLOT Viewers discuss topical issues 2000 WELD BRITAIN S Intimate footage of the maligned fox, frequently hunted, snared, poisoned and shot bz irate humans 2030 HOME TO ROOST S Matthew's fathjt has plenty of objections to his new girlfriend 2100 WETNESS: WHEN WOMEN KILL S Canadian women who killed their husbands discuss their experiences of the country's legal system 2200 NYPD BLUE S Costar goes into labour and Donna contemplates accepting a job offer BBC1 601 C3 603 N = NICAM stereo BBC2 602 Now 605 S = Subtitles 888 Now/Next BBC1 TV BBC2 TV ITV
P604 CEEFAX 604 Thu 30 May 19:11/24  3/3  THURSDAY/FRIDAY  2255-0320  2255 WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? S/N Comedy hosted by Clive Anderson 2330 RORY BRENNER: WHO ELSE? N Topical satire with improvisation from John Bird and John Fortune 0010 IS THIS YOUR LIFE? S/N Olivia Newton-John talks to Andrew Neil about fame and fortune 0055 DISPATCHES S How UN officials allegedly failed to prevent a massacre in Bosnia 0140-0320 FILM: LIFE BEGINS IN COLLEGE The Ritz Brothers enter the world of education and cause havoc by joining a football team. Comedy- musical with Joan Davis. (1937) BBC1 601 C3 603 N = NICAM stereo BBC2 602 Now 605 S = Subtitles 888 Now/Next BBC1 TV BBC2 TV ITV