P131 CEEFAX 131 Fri 28 Jun 19:35/41  ]      POLITICS  SCOTTISH EXECUTIVE BACKS HOME RULE PLAN Labour's Scottish executive has backed Tony Blair's plans for a referendum on Scottish devolution by 20 votes to four Mr Blair had been defending his plans for referendums on home rule for Wales and Scotland in a speech in Edinburgh. He said hj njedjd the consent of the Scottish people before Labour could set up a tax-levzjng parliament in Scotland John Prescott, Labour's deputy leader, described the crucial vote as "an historic djcisjon". Blair nails Tartan Tax "lie" 132 Summary 102 Dispatch 190 Index 199 Next News Politics Dispatch Travel
P131 ish@executive backs plans 131 Summary 102 Dispatch 190 Index 199 Next News Politics World Finance