P602 CEEFAX 1 602 Wed 05 Feb 01:54/13  ————————————————————————————   TUE/WED   2130-0715  ———————————————————————————— 2130 SKELETON COAST S/N Explorer Benedict Allen heads for the lion country of Damaraland in search of the nomadic Himba ttibj 2200 GROWN UPS S/N Claire faces a tricky dilemma 2228 VIDEO NATION SHORTS S 2230 NEWSNIGHT S A round-up of today's news stories 2315 FACE TO FACE: ALAN PARSER N The renowned director talks to Jeremy Isaacs about his caries 2355 WEATHER 0000 THE MIDNIGHT HOUR N see 622 Light-hearted political debate 0030-0715 THE LEARNING ZONE S = Subtitles 888 N = Nicam Stereo BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 ITV C4 BBC1 Reg Satellite