P595 CJJFAX 1 595 Sat 08 Mar 19:34/31 ONTHE our TV Critic  Caroline Jack O GARDENER'S WORLD BBC2, Friday Shoe-horned into a 30-minute slot, the programmj flits about like a butterfly in search of a Buddleia. Five minutes hjti, five minutes thjti: it covers much ground but ultimately it's too superficial to bj satisfactory Alan Titchmarsh's visit to the south of France should have yielded some tips on beating drought; "an irrigation system" was the none-too-enlightening solution. More focus on small gardens wouldn't go amiss. After all, that's what most of us have. TV Choice 593 Biz 566-68 TV Quiz 596 TV&Rbdio 600 News 101 Films 541 TV Quiz Fave Film The Biz Main Menu