P632 CEEFAX 1 632 Sun 22 Jun 00:38/06  ————————————————————————————   SUNDAY   0605-0930  —————————————————————— 1/4 0605 OPEN UNIVERSITY starting with Images Over India Indian TV 0635 Slaves and Noble Savages 0700 Bridging the Gap How teachers can support youngsters 0725 OPEN SUNDAY N How Napoleon influenced Piedmont and Sicily in the 19th century 0815 EMERGENCY N with advice on treating a heart attack victim. Last in series 0830 CHILDREN'S BBC: STAY TOONED! N Classic collection of cartoons 0905 MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF QUASIMODO An unscrupulous landowner tries to close down a hard-up orphanage BBC1 601 ITV 603 C4 604 On now 606 Front page 100 Sport 300 Regions 609 ITV Tmrw C4 Tmrw C5 Tmrw BBC1 Tmrw
P632 CEEFAX 1 632 Sun 22 Jun 00:35/24  ————————————————————————————   SUNDAY   0930-1910  —————————————————————— 2/4 0930 FULLY BOOKED N with music by Scottish rockers GUN and fashion tips for the summer 1200 CRICKET: SECOND TEST N England v Australia at Lord's 1300 REGIONAL PROGRAMMER 1330 SUNDAY GRANDSTAND N with Cricket: England v Australia 1500 Athletics Second and final day of the Europa Cup Final in Munich 1550 Rowing The second leg of the World Cup 1600 Cricket 1810 Tennis Preview of Wimbledon 1825 STAR TREK: VOYAGER S/N A mjmbjr of the Q continuum is brought aboard the Voyager S = Subtitles 888 N = Nicam Stereo BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 ITV Tmrw C4 Tmrw C5 Tmrw BBC1 Tmrw
P632 CEEFAX 1 632 Sun 22 Jun 00:37/12  ————————————————————————————   SUNDAY   1910-2120  —————————————————————— 3/4 1910 SCRUTINY S/N The Parliamentary Home Affairs Committee whose job is to discover how many Freemasons there are in Britain's criminal justice system 1950 BREAKING THE NEWS S/N Insight into the media revolution that took place during the 1960s, when television news reporters, political commentators and evrn pop stars shaped world events 2050 THE WORKS S/N Cameras follow the progress of theatre critics Nicholas dj Jongh and James Christopher as they direct a play for the first time BBC1 601 ITV 603 C4 604 On now 606 Front page 100 Sport 300 Regions 609 ITV Tmrw C4 Tmrw C5 Tmrw BBC1 Tmrw
P632 CEEFAX 1 632 Sun 22 Jun 00:34/48  ————————————————————————————   SUNDAY/MONDAY   2120-0715  —————————————————————— 4/4 2120 THE OUTER LIMITS S/N Aliens set about reprogramming the human race to become their slaves 2205 FILM: THE FLY S/N Scientist Jeff Goldblum undergoes repellent physical changes after a teleportation expjtimjnt goes terrifyingly wrong. Gruesome horror with Geena Davis. (1986) 2340 FILM: SOCIETY S A college boy's parents transform into gruesome monsters who feast on the poor. Grisly shocker starring Bill Warlock. (1989) 0115-0120 WEATHER 0200-0715 THE LEARNING ZONE S = Subtitles 888 N = Nicam Stitio BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 ITV Tmrw C4 Tmrw C5 Tmrw BBC1 Tmrw