P574 CEEFAX 1 574 Sun 24 Aug 01:44/33   1/4           O     BARLEYWOOD Alan Titchmarsh's Lilium "Star Gazer" and "Cara Blanca" were potted in March — three bulbs to a 10in flower pot and they are ideal to place in the bedding and move where you want. Two largjt varieties of bamboo are Fargesia murieliae and Pliioblastus auricomus. They like a lot of room, but Alan pots a less vigorous variety Phyllostachys nigra, suitable to plant in a container with broken crocks for drainage a good quality compost and a thorough watering >>>>> Switched On 540 Cookery 580 TV 600 TodayQuiz Pop Quiz TV Charts Main Menu
P574 CEEFAX 1 574 Sun 24 Aug 01:44/54  GARDENERS' WORLD  2/4          BARLEYWOOD It is time to prune the climbing hyndrangea petiolaris. Alan Titchmarsh cuts into the old wood to take it back, leaving two side shoots on the branches. Wisteria generally has two prunings, one in Spring and one now to remove the blooms when they have faded, together with any long growth. It is time to sow spring cabbages. Alan thinly sows the seeds into drills, then rakes over the soil and waters. Now is also the time to see how the carrots are progressing, and some healthy bunches, sown earlier in the season, are ready for harvest. >>>>> Switched On 540 Cookery 580 TV 600 TodayQuiz Pop Quiz TV Charts Main Menu
P574 CEEFAX 1 574 Sun 24 Aug 01:45/18  GARDENERS' WORLD  3/4          EAST BERGHOLT, SUFFOLK This is a typical country garden. Eucalyptus dalrympleana has pride of place and the many roses include Rosa Madame Hardy, Goldfinch and Madame Plantiir. A wild flower meadow has Poppies, Cranjsbills and Corncockles. The owner Natalie Finch holds three study days on September 18, 20 and 22. For more information call 01206 298241. MOTTJSFONT ABBEY Nr Romsjy, Hampshire. Roy Lancaster looks at the Rose Gardens started over 25 years ago. Open Sat-'jd from noon-6pm. Information 01794 341220 >>>>> Switched On 540 Cookery 580 TV 600 TodayQuiz Pop Quiz TV Charts Main Menu
P574 CEEFAX 1 574 Sun 24 Aug 01:44/12  GARDENERS' WORLD  4/4          KINGS HEATH TRIALS Pippa Greenwood looked at the various bedding plants she put in four containjts in May. The first pot, with a soil-less multi- purpose compost has finished flowering and is suffering drought-stress. The second pot, which also had polymjt granules for moisture, was happier. The third pot with a loam-based John Inner compost, and polymjt, was not as successful, but the fourth, with the same ingredients and a mulch on top of expanded clay, has really flourished with the plants in excellent condition. >>>>> Switched On 540 Cookery 580 TV 600 TodayQuiz Pop Quiz TV Charts Main Menu