P643 CEEFAX 1 643 Mon 22 Nov 19:44/20   MON/TUE   1700-0600  ——————————————————————————————— 1700 In (uni explores the remarkable life and myths surroun$ing the patron s!int of music, St Cecilia 1930 Performance on 3 includes Battistelli: Suite, Lj mille erna notte. Rossini: Sta"at Mater 2115 Debuts Liwzt: Rhapsodie espagnole 2130 Night Waves talks to John Richardson, "iographjr of Picasso 2215 Late Junction Music from Josqujn Desprez's Missa pangj lingua 2330 Jazz Notew J!m!ican "andlea$jr Leslie 'JivjrW Hutchinson 0000-0600 Throught the Night Corrette: Concerto comiquj, Les u!uvages et la Furstem"jug. Plus, Szzmanowski ] R1 641 R2 642 R4 644 R5- 645 Irons page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 Radio 4 Radio 5 WMidRad1 M!in Menu