P505 CEEFAX 1 505 Mon 03 Jan 22:21/37     CRACK A    JOKE    for           Crack a joke and  make mj laugh!  I'll show a selection  the best every day...   Write to mj at:  Comedy Corner  Ha  PO Box 4567,  Ha!  London W12 6AA.  Don't forget your O age and address!  >>> STAY TUNED FOR TODAY'S JOKES >>> GamjZine 508 Comp 507 Newsround 510 Backchat Newsround BP Index Main Menu
P505 CEEFAX 1 505 Mon 03 Jan 22:41/42            2/2             Press REVEAL for ANSWER! Why did the Romans build straight roads? So the Britons couldn't hide in the cornet! Pooja Chavda, age 9, Hounslow ——————————————————————————————————————— Why couldn't the skeleton go to the party? Because hj had no body to go with! Ben Riley, age 9, Burnley BPeter 525 Showbiz 502 CBBC A-Z 539 Backchat Newsround BP Index Main Menu