P502 CEEFAX 1 502 Sat 22 Apr 23:12/24  4/4 NEWYEARSPECIAL  INTERVIEW WITH CBBC STARS ANA & MICHAEL Made any New Year's resolutions? ANA: Not yet! MICHAEL: Loads, but you can guarantee they'll bj broken in a few days. What are your ambitions for the future? ANA: To bj happy, do lots of TV, drive an F1 car, to sing properly, to eat a whole Tobleronj without being sick (!) and bj in a pop video. I also want to live happily ever after with my man. MICHAEL: I'd like to eventually run my own TV production company. —————————— by Joanna Wilson ——————————— Music 560 Comp 507 Studio 9 520 Telly 503 Index 500 Niwsround 510 TV Pick Comp. Backchat Main Menu