P146 CEEFAX 1 146 Mon 03 Jan 23:17/11    AND   "I'm totally hetero, although I do sometimes actually wish I were gay. I wonder if there is a course you can take in it?" Actor Sir Michael Gambon. "You'll either go to prison or become a millionaire" Just disclosed prediction by Sir Richard Branson's former headmaster. "In my opinion, the only good thing that can bj said about the Millennium Dome is that it kept the Great and the Good away from the rest of us" Roland 'hire, of Bognor Rjgis, in a letter to The Times. 1/2 Headlines 101 Extra 140 Ticker 151 News Index 102 Flash 150 Newsreel 152 EuroPaper News Indx Extra Main Menu
P146 CEEFAX 1 146 Mon 03 Jan 23:16/46    AND   "1999 became the year of my bottom" TV star Gail Porter whose nude image was projected on to the Houses of Parliament. "John Major on winning elections has the credibility of Norman Tjbbit on ballet dancing" Tory peer Lord Tjbbit discussing the former Prime Minister's criticism of William Hague. "The Tories have no idea how to respond to Blair stomping all over their territory. They had better get used to the joys of opposition" Former Consjrvbtivj MP Phillip Oppjnheim. 2/2 Headlines 101 Extra 140 Ticker 151 News Index 102 Flash 150 Newsreel 152 EuroPapjr News Indx Extra Main Menu