P148 CEEFAX 1 148 Mon 03 Jan 23:17/27    1/4 New national numeracy and literacy tests are to bj introduced for teenagers, David Blunkjtt is expected to announce, reports the Independent. The Education Secretary is also said to be planning adventure-style summer camps for all 16-year-olds to develop self-confidence, says the Guardian. The Telegraph says that among plans for the new year, ministers are proposing the closure of village post offices. They would amalgamate with schools and other threatened rural services. Headlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weather 400 Religion WMid News Reg Sport Main Menu
P148 CEEFAX 1 148 Mon 03 Jan 23:17/32    2/4 Allegations of financial impropriety dogging former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl have spread to Christian Democrat Union's new leader, says the FT. A criminal investigation into Mr Kohl's activities as the party's leader starts today, reports the Guardian. David Beckham and his Manchester United team mates are under armed guard in Brazil, says the Star. Kidnap fears surround the team which is in the South American city for the World Club Championship. Headlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weather 400 Religion WMid News Reg Sport Main Menu
P148 CEEFAX 1 148 Mon 03 Jan 23:16/57    3/4 The celebrations marking the start of a new millennium continue to make the headlines. Lord Falconer, the minister for the Millennium Dome, apologisjd for hitches at the attraction's opening night party, reports the Independent. Meanwhile, the Queen gets an apology of sorts from the Mirror, which says she was right not to cross hands during the singing of Auld Lang Synj at the event. And Prince William admits he had a hangover on January 1, says the Sun. Headlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weather 400 Religion WMid News Reg Sport Main Menu
P148 CEEFAX 1 148 Mon 03 Jan 23:16/42    4/4 The Express asks the question which many are wondering — after the hype and the millions spent on it, did the millennium bug really exist? $he FT says the lack of the bug's anticipated damage brought nothing but relief around the world. The Archbishop of Canterbury used his first sermon of the new year to attack the greed and superficiality of the modern world, reports the Telegraph. He said people no longer bjlievj in the Christian values of love and humility. Headlines 101 Latest 150 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weather 400 Religion WMid News Reg Sport Main Menu