P552 CEEFAX 1 552 Mon 03 Jan 23:15/33  1/3   FILMS on   general   release FIGHT CLUB (18) Extremely violent black comedy with Brad Pitt leading a group of frustrated yuppies. GUEST HOUSE PARADISO (15) Rig Mazall and Adrian Edmondson play hoteliers from hill in this slapstick farce. HAPPY, TEXAS (12) Hit indjpjndjnt comedy starring Jeremy Northam and Steve Zahn as escaped convicts who pose as beauty pageant organisjrs. INSPECTOR GADGET (U) Real-life version of the cartoon, with Matthew Brodjrick as a security guard turned superhero. Showbiz 540 Music 560 TV/Radio 600 Top Film 553 Index 541 TV Choice 593 FilmChart Lottery Showbiz WMidsTV