P312 CJJFAX 312 Tue 12 Jun 21:30/23  5|4j5k5£!{5 OO  / O.% +.!/.)/,$/,$  EURO-ELECT OMS June 1984  DENMARK O //,n  urn oul at 1979 Euro-election: 47.1 pet cent (Electorate 3.7m) Parties in national government: Conservatives, Centre Democrats, Christian Democrats, Liberals. European election voting system: Voluntary voting from age of 18, under proportional representation where the candidates are chosen bz the party. The party djcidjs the candidate ordjt but the elector is allowed to vote for one ot more in a different order. National profile continues
P312 CEEFAX 312 Tue 12 Jun 21:21/14  1/4  OO   EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984   DENMARK  How the Danes voted in 1979 %  Social Democracy 21.8  Anti-EEC 20.8  Liberals 14.4  Consjrvativjs 14.0  Socialist 4.7  Others 24.3  National profile in a moment
P312 CEEFAX 312 Tue 12 Jun 21:12/00  2/4  O   EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984  DENMARK   Turn out at 1979 Euro-election: 47.1 pet cent (Electorate 3.7m) Parties in national government: Consjtvativjs, Centre Democrats, Christian Democrats, Liberals. European election voting system: Voluntary voting from age of 18, under proportional representation where the candidates are chosen bz the party. The party decides the candidate otdjr but the elector is allowed to vote for one ot more in a different ordjt. National profile continues
P312 CJJFAX 312 Tue 12 Jun 21:30/34  3/4  O  / /.% +.!/.%/,$/,$  EURO-ELJCTJONS June 1984  DENMARK  Number of seats in European parliament: Sixteen, consisting of:  * 4 Socialists * 1 Christian Democrat * 2 European Democrats * 1 Communist and Allies * 3 Liberals and Democrats * 1 European Progressive Democrat * 4 Group for Technical Coordination BBC correspondent's view in a moment
P312 CEEFAX 312 Tue 12 Jun 21:19/51   4/4  OO   A view by the BBC's  Stockholm Correspondent  There has been little electionjerng in the run-up to the elections, but the turnout is expected to bj high - probably about 65 pet cent. Despite the fact that Greenland is dui to leave the European Community on January 1, 1985, it will hold its own election for one MEP. On mainland Denmark, 10 parties each with 10 candidates are to take part in the poll. Thjsj are the nine parties already represented in the Danish Parliament and one anti-EEC party.   - Julian Isherwood -