P314 CEEFAX 314 Tue 12 Jun 21:39/34   1/4  OO   EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984   GREECE   How the Greeks voted in 1981 %  Socialists 40.3  New Democracy 31.5  Communists 12.7  Others 15.5   National profile in a moment
P314 CEEFAX 314 Tue 12 Jun 21:32/40  2/4  O   EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984  GREECE   Turn out at 1979 Euro-election: 78.7 pet cent (Electorate: 7.2m). Parties in national govjtnmjnt: Socialists. European election voting system: There is a legal obligation to vote from the age of 20, but there is no sanction involved. The voting system is proportional representation, using national lists.  National profile continues
P314 CEEFAX 314 Tue 12 Jun 21:11/33   3/4  O   EURO-ELECTIONS June 1984  GREECE  Numbjt of seats in European parliament: Twenty-eour, consisting of: * 10 Socialists * 8 Christian Democrats * 4 Communists and Allies * 2 Independents BBC correspondent's view in a moment
P314 CEEFAX 314 Tue 12 Jun 21:11/15   4/4  O   A view bz the BBC's  Athens Correspondent  Greece's panhellinic socialist movement PASOS government has been in power for two and a half years - a little over half the present term. So the Euro elections have provided a convenient focus on the timing of the next elections. What will bj read into June's election results will not be which parties Greeks want to represent them in the European Parliament but rather how PASOS will emjrgj from a genital elections. - George Coats -