P267 CEEFAX 267 Tue 19 Jun 21:29/58  1/3     FOR THE WEEK , -,, -,,    TUESDAY DOC SAVAGE, MAN BBC2 4.35pm OF BRONZE The intrepid Doc uncovers a lost valley with a bottomless pit of gold. But the valley is under the control of the evil Captain Seas. Daily film summary 175/275 More
P267 CEEFAX 267 Tue 19 Jun 21:05/00  2/3     FOR THE WEEK      TUESDAY BECAUSE OF HIM BBC2 6.15pm Features Deanna Durbin as a star-struck waitress who persuades her idol to give her a part in his new Broadway show. THURSDAY THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JUDGE ROY BEAN BBC2 9.00pm Paul Newman stars as an outlaw who sets himself up as a judge, declaring himself an expert on the law. Daily film summary 175/275 More
P267 CEEFAX 267 Tue 19 Jun 21:14/32  3/3     FOR THE WEEK , -,, -,, ! !£ ""£    FRIDAY THE TEN STBR BBC2 5.50pm Veteran ex-sheriff helps a young greenhorn lawman, but lets the younger man dial with a lynch mob on his own in ordjt to prove his own worth. SOONER OR LATER BBC1 10.50pm A 13-year-old, who is able to make hjrsjlf look older, wins the affections of a rock star, but soonjt or later she has to reveal her true age. Daily film summary 175/275 More