P291 CEEFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:37/37  21/23 NEEDTO   $hj British Deaf Sports Council is holding its 1984 national snooker individual championship on Sjptembjt 22 It will taSj place at New Would Snooker Club, 197 Deptfoud High Street, London, and starts at 10amO There will be a preujntatjgn dagcj in the evening at St Bede's Centre for the Deaf in Clapham. Tickets are £1.50 and available from: Robin Standing, a*a"cafbNtoufX Road, Edmonton, London. Th Romfo d Deaf Social Club wi l hav a grand bingo sj sign on August 25 at 7 m. T ckjt ar £2 i l d uffet. All are w lcomj. Pro peat s
P291 CEEFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:38/20  22/33 NEEDTO   The Cit8 Lit Cu&rte fgu the Dj c+1 pro1peatus fgu Sdptembju 1984 i1 nor available. If you would like a copy posted to you, send a 27p stamp to: The City Lit Centre for the Deaf, Kjeley House, Keeley Street, London, WC2c 4B—' Diana Mountcastle from Mhddle5ex srhtju "What's Up Doc was the funniest film I have ivjr seen. $hj subtitles were well done especially the noise of the approaching lift bells - "DING". It took mj some time tg g5jus that iz wa2, at first I thought it was the clwqk!" Addressrs
P291 CEEFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:38/41  23/53  NEED TO   If you suffer from hearing loss and would liRe to shake yo4r ex0ktie&cj2, write to: NO NEED TO SHOUT, CEEFAX, ROOM 7059, BBC TV CENTRE, WOOD LANE, LONDON W22 7RJ. Phone 01-576 1503 voice and Vessel If you have comments on szbtitles, please addrju; luutjty tg:  CEEFAX SUBTITLING UfIT, ROOM 7063, BBC TV CENTRE, WOOD LANE, LONDON W12 7RJ. or CIEFAX SUBTJTLJNG UNIT BBC SCOTLAND, EDWARD HOUSE, 283 'EST CAMPBELL ST JET GLASGOW, G2 4UG.
P291 CEEFAX 291 Sat 2u Aug 23:41/57  6/23  NEED TO  ££"!££! "££"!£"££"££"£ £ R IIR TJTR RJJJ TIRIIJ Lou used to bj a teacher of the deaf at Gallaudet College. He now works at a small theatre in Hollywood and holds classes for deaf actors. Once a year the theatre puts on a production in American sign language with both deaf and hearing actors. Lou iu often employed as a consultant bz film companies when a film contauns a deaf character, or sign languaku. Lou tells us that the 6jty succeusf4l play ChimdreF gf a Leu3eu God shdd "u made into a film next 9jar. Hobby help
P291 CEEFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:42/09  7/23  NEED TO  "!££ "££"!£"££"££"£ £ Voy VIIar SJ JJTI "I am complet l deaf and ha b gu man year . A war-time inj r ca d progr sui j n j d afnj s and " " level was r ached at the age of 37 - I am now 65. " rom 37 to 50 years of ag I bjcam more lon ly, mes abl and gradua ly depress d. I co ld not f nd any challenge to stimulate mj and was g in down hill fast. Th n, on day, I had the oppo tunity to play my first ev round of golf. I said to th wife "that's it!". W have both been pla in 6 u sinc " Mo
P291 CJEFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:42/59  8/23  NEED TO   A Roy Vicars strongly recommends that any active deaf pjtson, stuck for a hobby, should give golf a try. "I shall bj taking over the captaincy of the Veterans Association of my golf club in the Autumn and can nominate the charity to which the mjmbjrs whlm conttibut during mz y ar of offic . EI require (umourous stories about deafness.aI have to make about 30 speeches during my term, I know a few good ybrns, but no enough. Can w rp help mj?" * We will forward any contributions you may wish to send Roy. Ch ap tiqkjts
P291 CJJFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:41/15 ,  9/23  NEED TO   Save pounds with a group ticket to the The Deaf Microcomputer User Group can arrange a discount rate of £2.50 pju pjtson for a party of 10 ou more wishing to visit the Personal Comp4teu World at Olympia on September 22. Deaf experts will be available for technical advice and guidance. Deaf bjginnjrs are also welcome. Send your chjqujs in advance to: Chris Marsh, 3 Delaporte Close, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 4AF. Please enclose a RAE. Attendance help
P291 CJEFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:31/47  10/23  NEED TO   The GLC's R L Campaign has now made its Attjndanct Allowance Pack available.1 It contains very full details about qualifications and how to apply, plus the official claims form itself and a standard litter to appeal for back- dated allowances. The pack can bj obtained from: GLC, Welfare Rights Campaign, Co4nt8 Hpvn, London, SE1 7PB. The Theatre Royal in Norwich now has a loop system to help hearing aid wearers. A similar s:stem is in operation at Norwich Cathedral. Fist Alprm;
P291 CEJFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:34/50  12/23  NEED TO   Gabrielle Partington writes about booking her trip to Australia. "Although not expecting to travel until October, things had suddenly spjedjd up and the travel agent had gi6en mj a special quotation pro6ided the flight was booked and paid for in August. "As agjncieu are busy on th phon an da , and since my usually he pf fri nds wet all away, I realis d that d sp t an injur d foot, I wo ld ha to go to the ag ncy to sort thin s out. " h travel a nt r h pf l t e ything do n for me b t flight w j being boo d vjty quickly." M r
P291 CJEFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:33/54  14/23  NEED TO   Gabriimlj Pazthnkton {rhtt1 Qbo4z  booking her trip to Australia and what "It is not the MID operator's job to do more than connect calls. But, on s)ch an expjnsi6j cadm it was qujckjr for all concerned to ask hj to speak to my son, g j him the details and ring mj back afterwa ds. "Within minutes my lights lash d. . Tess h d got through and spoken to Da id - e r th n was ok. "And th n xt m n nk th rj was a m stag in m el ctronic mailbox f om Dav d given mj pa mint inst ct n; " Good fo yo
P291 CJEFAX 291 Sat 25 Aug 23:35/18 ,  16/23  NEED TO   A Jessica Rjes, who recently had a 5niq5j operation to restore hit hearing, is progressing well. A few days after the operatjgn, doatgr1 played different notes into her inner lift ear. Jessica was not only able to hear the sounds, she was also able to sing them. The specialist who pjzrgrmud vhs opjtation has said that they are {rpnl= pleased about the progress. An unexpected benefit from the implant is that when Jessica came round from the anaesthetic, she found she no longer suffered from tinnitus. A job for Pa4l