P256 CEEFAX 256 Mon 13 Oct 21:23/34   1/6            W    A GUIDE TO HEALTH INFORMATION A guide to health information has been produced by the College of Health. Consumers' Guide to Health Information gives lists of medical reference books and journals, the addresses of health information services and even a guide to finding one's way round a medical library. For a copy of the book send £3.95 to: The College of Health 18 Victoria Park Square London E2 9PF More
P256 CEEFAX 256 Mon 13 Oct 21:22/15   2/6                BUY BRITISH CAMPAIGN A new "Buy British" campaign has been launched bz the Govjrnmjnt. It aims to persuade consumers, caterers and hoteliers to buy quality British products in an attempt to reduce the nation's import bill by millions of pounds a year. The Govermjnt also plans to produce a comprehensive directory of quality food and produce telling people what is avbilable — and from where. More
P256 CJEFAX 256 Mon 13 Oct 21:15/10   3/6            W    DONgS BE IN THE DARK British Summertime Time ends on October 2v - and that's official. But you could be forgiven for thinking it ends on October 12 - some diaries have the wrong date in them. The muddle has arisen because the EEC wanted to set a common date for all mjmbjr countries. But this was rejected by the countries concerned. And remember - your clocks go BACK. More
P256 CEEFAX 256 Mon 13 Oct 21:12/25   4/6                LAYMAN'S GUIDE TO EVERYDAY LAW What do you do if you have bought faulty goods, had an accident at work or are plagued bz noisy neighbours? The Legal Beagle Law Book (price £2.95) can answer these questions and many more about everyday legal problems. "The book is intended to guide readers through the legal maze surrounding thjsj common areas of uncertainty", says Bill Thomas, solicitor, journalist and author of the book. More
P256 CEEFAX 256 Mon 13 Oct 21:16/26   5/6            W    CALL FOR SAFER PAVEMENTS October 15 is International White Cane Day - when the public is asked to think particularly about the needs of blind people. This year the Royal National Institute for the Blind is promoting greater safety on pavements for the blind. The charity is calling on people to do all they can to keep pavements clear of obstacles which can make walking a nightmbre for those who cannot see. More
P256 CEEFA( 256 Mon 13 Oct 21:12/17   6/6            W    A PMAN FOR HEALTHY CHILDREN Foresight - the Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care - says jewer children would bj deformed if parents were healthier. The charity, which aims to help parents reach optimal health before conceiving a child, has forty centres around the country. For more information write to: Foresight, 6 Pembroke Avjnuj, Hove, Sussex BN3 rDA More