P262 CEEFAX 262 Sun 26 Oct 05:39/2:   10/)6   (    O country diary The Juniper Carpet Moth is a pale fawn coloured insect with ripples of black and white on its broad wings. No longer dependent on wild juniper, it can bj found in gardens in any part of the country. Look, bz torch-light, on the shrub'u outer shoots. More than 400 moths {ere recjntl= counted on a two-metre tall garden bush; if you find that you have a colony please contact Paul Waring, Oxford Polytechnic, Oxford OX3 0BP
P262 CJEFAX 262 Sun 26 Oct 05:30/51   11/16      W country diary The BBC Natural History Unit is interested in hearing of strandings or sightings of unusual marine animals from anywhere in the world. If you think you have seen a strange creature out at sea, in an estuary or washed up on a beach, please let us know. Please write to:- Michael Bright, BBC Natural History Unit, Broadcasting Hots , Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2LR