P354 CEEFAX 354 Sun 26 Oct 05:30/35    5 Jane Brinsm ad  r ports from th |||||||||||||||| Grand Prix, R ading Neal Foulds is out of th championship afte lou ng a marathon cliffhan 8-9 to 53-year-old master x illiams. After a tight first s sign l ft th v t an 4-3 up, th grim struggl continued neck and n ck to 5-5. Th BCE ch mpion s em d on th brink of ictory as h inched his wa to an 8-6 lead, but Williams was hav ng non of it and crept act in xorably to l v l. H open d th d cid r with a 45 break and w nt on to wre t th r m rom th young London r and nd a titanic attle CEEFAX r ports rom th H xagon