P702 CEEFAX 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:42/30   1/12  SPECTRUM REVIEW  ] Robert Burgess   Tennis (Imagine) is a conversion of Konami's arcade game. It can bj played either bz a single player or "z two - against each other or in a doubles match against the computer. Apart from a budget version bz Atlantis, this is the first attempt at Spectrum tennis since Match Point (Prion* over two years ago. So it must "j a great step forward, yes? No. Player's comments next  
P702 CEEFA( 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:21/15  SPECTRUM REVIEW  Robert Burgess   Put simply, Konami's Tennis (Imagine) is awful - a shame after the excellent Ping Pong. The graphics are large and blockz, which makes it hard to see the ball. This is only gently tapped "act, and where it goes seems to be left to chance. Sound is minimal, without even a tune. Match Point had super graphics, three skill levels and was compulsive. Konami's Tennis hasn't, doesn't and ism't. T Cassette: £7.9u  
P702 CEEFA( 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:17/31   3/12  C64 REVIEW  Philip Lancaster   Captain Kelly bz Quicksilva places you in the role of a daring space pilot, whose mission is to take control of a ship from a robot crew There are sjvjn levels to capture, accessed bz teleport (it helps to make a map). By destroying all the robots on each one, you are jinally able to enter the control room. You have to replenish vital supplies - oxygen, jnjrgz and !mmunition - bz visiting various dumps around the ship. T The robots will fight you until they run out of enjrgz or you do!
P702 CEEFA( 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:24/37   4/12  C64 REVIEW  Philip Lancaster   The graphics in Captain Kelly bz Quicksilva bear a close resemblance to those in Paradroid, as does the gbmjplazn The sound unfortunately is vjty poor, and rather tedious. The sprites are good and well animated and the action becomes very tense - particularly when your oxygen is running out. You even turn blue! - If you want a Paradroid-style g!me, this is for you. I enjoyed it. Cassette £8.95  
P702 CEEFAX 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:09/00   5/12  SPECTRUM REVIEW  Damian Tichborne   In The Happiest Days of Your Life from Firebird, you are cast as a school tearaway. When the headmaster's wallet goes missing, naturally you are blamed. So in this game, set in and around the school, you have to prove that you are innocent. You can carry two objects at a time as you set about your task. Sounds familiar The game bears a striking resemblance to a series released bz Metro-Gen a year or so T bbckn ] Player's comment next
P702 CEEFAX 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:11/41   6/12  SPECTRUM REVIEW  Damian Tichbornj   The graphics in The Happiest Days of Your Life (Firebird) are good, but with easily the worst attribute clash I have evjt seen on the Spectrum. Sound is about average. My main criticism is that the puzzles are illogical, so you'll probably only solve the majority of them bz accident. Good fun, but there are at least four other games similar to this and many people will have one of them. Happiest days of my life? Maybe not Cassette £1.99
P702 CEEFAX 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:12/50   7/12  C64 REVIEW  Andrew Fair   In Warhawk by Firebird, the idea is to fly your ship into the Asteroid belt, djstroyjng enjmz bases and star fighters. On top of this, there are showers of space mines and meteors, which cannot bj shot but which decrease your energy on contact. Once the task has been completed you are shown a bonus screen and then continue to another base. There are 10 bases altogether, and after thjsj have been cleared the game repeats, only faster. ] Player's comment next
P702 CEEFA( 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:17/34   8/12  C64 REVIEW  Andrew Fair   The graphics in Warhawk (Firebird) are big and bold, and use bar- relief to good effect. The music, by Rob Hubbard, is one of his best to date and suits the toni of the game well. Gameplay is good to start with, although it becomes repetitive after a few goes. This game did not appeal to me, in spite of its graphics and sound - it had nothing to make mj go back and have another go. Recommended only to shoot 'em up fans. Cassette £1.99
P702 CJEFAX 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:13/59   9/12  AMSTRAD REVIEW  ] Alan Creevz    Now Games 3 is another in the line of compilation tapes from Virgin Games. On side one there is: * Nick Faldo Plays the Open, a golf simulation from Mind Games. * Sorcery, an arcade adventure jrom Virgin. * Code Name Mat II, an arcade game jrom Domark. * Everyone's a Wally from Metro-Gen - an arcade adventure. On side two is the three-part adventure A View to a Kill (Domark) where you play James Bond.  More
P702 CEEFAX 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:24/44   10/12  AMSTRAD REVIEW  Alan Creevz   The games on Virgin's Now Games 3 are mostly reasonably good. Mind Games' Nick Faldo Plays the Open is a fair simulation of golf and Sorcery (Virgin) is a good and interesting arcade adventure. Code Name Mat II from Domark is not as enthralling, bzt still fair. Metro-Gen's Everyone's a +ally is an exciting and captivating arcade adventure, with some witty characters. Domark's View to a Kill lets down the side, though - fairly bad. More comment next 
P702 CEEFAX 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:21/23   11/12  AMSTRAD REVIEW J Alan Creevz   If you don't already own a few of the games on Now Games 3 from Virgin, it may be worth buying. With the exception of A View to a Kill from Domark, the games are all of a good standard and would bj worth buying on their own - four top quality games for the price of one canWt bj bad. Two f!ults with it, though: you have to search through the tape to find the game you want to play and the recording is not of very good qublity - at least mine warn't. T Cassette: £9.95   
P702 CEJFAX 702 Mon 10 Nov 21:05/42    ON 701 THIS WEEK ^ OUTSIDER Looks at the serious side of Prestel, but gets sidetracked... MEWS * Personalisjd newspapers * Voice control * New games champion * Security report ECONET ART Michael Ryan looks for  an Econjt-compatiRle T art packbgj - HELP! * Recorder trouble * Any ZX81 games ORJC WRINKLE DOS system date ^ +PDATED EVERY FRIDAY 