P260 CEEFAX 260 Mon 17 Nov 21:16/39   1/4 :.   ::.  Q vvvvvvvvvvvvv((((((((((((((((((((((  ] By CEEFAX's gardjnjng jxpjrt Felicity Brybn If your apple crop was poor this year, now is the time to take action. Even in a small garden there is no reason why, with use of cordons, you should not have crunchy eating apples from September to March. However, this requires some homework. Select trees that flower at the right time to pollinate and get a succession of fruit. A good catalogue will help you select and provide a marvellous mix to choose from.  More
P260 CEEFAX 260 Mon 17 Nov 21:24/42   2/4 :.   ::.   vvvvvvvvvvvvv((((((((((((((((((((((  By CEEFAX's gardjnjng expert Felicity Brybn When selecting apple trees, first djcidj what shape you want. If you have an old tree cropping poorly throw it out and start again. Modern apple trees are sold on different sized rootsticks. Small ones like M.9 and M.27 make for small, manageable trees, M.106 a bit larger and MM.111 for large, longer utemmjd trees. Low growing trees are easier to pick and jruit just as well. More
P260 CEEFAX 260 Mon 17 Nov 21:24/38   3/4 :.   ::.  Q vvvvvvvvvvvvv((((((((((((((((((((((  By CJEFAX's gardjnjng expert Felicity Brybn Here is mz selection of eating apples which all blossom in mid-season. Kick off with Epicure, a delicious, red striped fruit starting in August, or Discovery, an old favourite. From September to Novjmbjr try Laxton's Fortune which is yellow flushed with red streaks followed bz Jester, a brilliant, smallish red apple cropping well. For cooking try new Bountiful, jruiting October to February.  More
P260 CEEFAX 260 Mon 17 Nov 21:35/15   4/4 :.   ::.   vvvvvvvvvvvvv((((((((((((((((((((((  By CEEFAX's gardjnjng expert Felicity Brybn Night jrosts are now with us, so start protecting tender plants and shrubs with straw sacking. Protect any newly arrived trees bz healing their roots in a sheltered place until it is the time to plant. Get your orders for trees and shrubs in now before its too late. It is worth phoning the nursery to check if they have your choice still in stock. If not, they might suggest an alternative.  More